You have always loved animals, whether they have hair, scales or feathers.

And over the years, this passion has turned into a vocation.

It is therefore natural that you want to become a veterinarian.

A profession that requires gentleness and compassion, but which also requires engaging in particularly difficult and selective scientific studies.

With less than 20% of candidates admitted after two to three years of intensive preparation, the sector is deemed even more elitist than medicine.

French veterinary studies would also be the longest and hardest in Europe.

A tradition that dates back to Napoleon 1st, who required top veterinarians to take care of horses on the battlefield.

Nevertheless, if the path looks like an obstacle course, you should not give up.

Post-baccalaureate admission, a novelty

Previously, entry into national veterinary schools (or ENV) was compulsory by competitive examination after at least two years in a preparatory class. But to simplify the admission process, 160 places in total (40 per school) have now been offered to general baccalaureate holders since 2021. Applications are made on the Parcoursup platform. About 700 candidates out of nearly 6,000 are pre-selected on file. The competition then takes the form of oral interviews lasting about ten minutes. However, the course will not be less long for the lucky ones, because they will have to complete a year of preparatory cycle internally, centered on scientific subjects (biology, geology, physics, chemistry, mathematics), before starting medical training. actual veterinarian.

To have a chance of being admitted to the competition, it is strongly recommended to choose the SVT specialty courses (or biology-ecology in agricultural high school), physics-chemistry and mathematics in 1st, then to keep the SVT and physics- chemistry, with the “complementary mathematics” option in Terminale.

The almost essential preparation

Despite the reform, the preparatory classes for the Grandes Ecoles (CPGE) are still the main route to entry into one of the four national veterinary schools.

The vast majority of places (320 for the year 2022) are reserved for students in the biology-chemistry-physics-Earth sciences sector, more commonly known as BCPST-Véto, whose pace is particularly sustained.

The competition is common with that of several engineering schools in agronomy, but also national higher schools of chemistry, which gives students who are not admitted to the ENV other prestigious study opportunities.

About ten places are also available for students of preparatory technology and biology (TB), who have completed their secondary education in a technological high school.

Finally, some places are also accessible, still by competition, to students with at least a license 2 in science (biology, life sciences, chemistry, etc.) or a BUT (the successor to the DUT) in biology.

Whatever route is chosen – including the post-baccalaureate attempt – the ENV competition can only be presented twice.

Four specialized schools

In France, four national schools issue a State diploma of veterinary doctor (DEV) in Alfort, Toulouse, Lyon and Nantes. If they are all as excellent as each other, some will be preferred depending on the desired specialty. The training takes place in all cases over 5 years. The first three years are divided between theoretical and practical courses on anatomy, pharmacology, physiology, zootechnics, botany or food. The fourth year is devoted to internships in various departments of veterinary hospitals and clinics. It leads to the diploma of fundamental veterinary studies (DEFV), which allows to practice as an assistant and to access the fifth year of studies.

This is devoted to deepening knowledge in a professional sector: companion animals, production animals, veterinary public health, equines, research or industry.

The course ends with the defense of a veterinary doctoral thesis.

The diploma obtained allows you to practice in France, but also throughout the European Union.

Alternatives abroad

If integrating a veterinary school is extremely difficult in France, it is not the same in most other countries where the training, certainly dense and very complete, is however less selective and therefore less difficult to access. This is why many aspirants choose to go abroad. You can present your file to enter a European veterinary university in several states, such as Belgium, Spain, Romania, Italy, Germany, Slovakia or Portugal. Classes can be taught in French or English depending on the institution.

The only requirement for your diploma to be valid in France is to join a course recognized by the European Association of Veterinary Education Establishments (AEEEV).

Be careful however, these schools are often much more expensive than the ENV, some costing nearly 10,000 euros per year, compared to around 2,500 euros in France (free for scholarship holders).


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Rapid professional integration

Once you graduate, you will easily find work.

Indeed, if it is quite possible to create your own clinic or to associate yourself with other professionals already established to take care of the pets of individuals, there are also other facets of this profession.

You can take care of livestock in rural areas or exotic or wild animals in nature reserves and zoos.

The veterinarian can also work in biomedical research, the food or pharmaceutical industry for animals, hygiene services, conservation programs or within the army with military animals (dogs, horses).

As a result, more than 90% of young graduates are in employment one year after obtaining their diploma.

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