中新网贵阳1月22日电 (周燕玲)一杯清茶,是此间正在召开的贵州省两会必备之物,喜欢喝茶的住澳委员陈顺回发言结束后,端起桌前散发着清香的茶杯,细细品了一口,鲜爽醇厚。



图为贵州茶园。 瞿宏伦 摄





资料图:贵州抹茶 周燕玲 摄


  "Intensify our focus on developing the young market, and work hard in the fields of new teas, matcha, etc. that young people like." Jian Haoxian said that young people have strong consumption power and high penetration, and can use the rejuvenation of Guizhou tea brands as an entry point to launch tea products based on tea The main additional products, let tea lead the new "food" fashion from "drinking" to "eating".

  At present, Jiangkou, Guizhou has built the world's largest single matcha refining workshop, with an annual production capacity of nearly 4,000 tons of high-quality matcha. Its matcha products are exported to the United States, Germany and other places.

  Jian Haoxian believes that in the global matcha boom, using e-commerce to expand sales globally, fresh and lovely matcha will become a breakthrough for the high-quality development of the tea industry in Guizhou, and the future can be expected.
