It was confirmed by SBS coverage that some public institutions gave preferential promotions to those who served in the military in a situation where the government gave a guideline not to promote those who have served in the military over unwritten or women when reviewing promotions at public institutions.

It was confirmed that the Housing Finance Corporation promoted military service members one to two years earlier than those who did not write or women when they announced their promotions yesterday (18th).

At the beginning of last year, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance issued an official notice to remove the preferential treatment for military service members when promoted to 300 public institutions under the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, and it was the first greeting, but the goldsmith did not accept this guideline.

The Ministry of Strategy and Finance is of the view that it is legal under the Veterans Support Act to recognize military experience as a good salary and pay more, but as promotion is an evaluation of an individual's ability, reflecting military experience may constitute gender discrimination under the Equal Employment Opportunity Act. .

There have been controversies over this government guideline, whether it is a measure for gender equality and, on the contrary, discrimination against military personnel, etc., but the impact is expected as it is the first application in reality.

More details will be delivered on SBS 8 News this evening.