As Hitachi selected and concentrated its business, it was found that it had decided to sell about half of the shares of its subsidiary "Hitachi Construction Machinery", which is one of the leading construction machinery manufacturers in Japan, to major trading companies such as Itochu Corporation. rice field.

Hitachi used to have more than 20 listed companies as subsidiaries, but the large-scale group reorganization that has been underway for more than 10 years will be the final stage.

According to the people concerned, Hitachi has decided to sell about half of the shares of Hitachi Construction Machinery, a subsidiary that holds 51% of the shares, to ITOCHU and the domestic investment fund "Japan Industrial Partners".

It is expected to be officially decided in the near future.

Hitachi Construction Machinery, which is listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, manufactures and sells construction machinery such as hydraulic excavators, and is one of the leading manufacturers in Japan with sales of approximately 800 billion yen and a recent market capitalization of approximately 750 billion yen.

Hitachi used to have many subsidiaries under the diversified route, but after the Lehman shock, we have positioned the IT and digital fields as pillars of management and are promoting business selection and concentration.

For the subsidiaries of 22 listed companies, all shares have been sold or the ownership ratio has been reduced, and the large-scale group reorganization that has been promoted over 10 years with this sale of Hitachi Construction Machinery shares has been carried out. Will be the final edition.

On the other hand, ITOCHU, which acquires the shares, has a capital tie-up with a company engaged in the rental business of construction machinery in the United States, and while economic activities are in full swing around the world, it aims to further capture demand by cooperating with Hitachi Construction Machinery. It seems that there is.

Hitachi, which was a representative of conglomerates with various businesses, will continue to accelerate structural transformation centered on the IT business amid the rapid spread of decarbonization and DX = digital transformation.