“The delay in Nord Stream 2 will certainly intensify the energy crisis in Europe.

In general, it is very strange for me why, if now there is an opportunity to increase the volume of gas supplies, there is a delay in obtaining and approving the examination.

It seems to me that it would be logical to launch Nord Stream and remove this energy crisis.

Because, of course, the gas price is breaking records, ”the deputy said.

He noted that in addition to Gazprom, the project's management company also includes European companies.

“They are also interested in additional gas supplies to Europe and in reducing the crisis.

Why the commission in Germany does not give the go-ahead is incomprehensible to me.

It seems to me that they are sawing the branch on which they are sitting.

It’s not logical at all.

I was sure that the go-ahead would be received in the near future, but we see that this is not happening to the detriment of the German economy and to the detriment of its inhabitants, ”Ananskikh added.

Earlier, Steffen Kotrets, an expert on economics and energy from the Alternative for Germany faction in the Bundestag, a member of the parliamentary committee for climate protection and energy, said that delaying the launch of Nord Stream 2 would aggravate the energy crisis in Europe.