Solène Leroux 8:31 am, December 17, 2021

The former CEO of the Danone company, Emmanuel Faber, was the guest of Dimitri Pavlenko on Friday morning.

Nine months later, he was appointed head of the ISSB, the international council for extra-financial standards, on Thursday.

On Europe 1, he denounces "greenwashing", which "paralyzes everyone".

Emmanuel Faber, former CEO of Danone, was appointed Thursday at the head of the ISSB, the international council for extra-financial standards.

A new body created last month in the wake of COP26.

At the microphone of Dimitri Pavlenko on Europe 1, he explained Friday morning that "it will serve to reconnect world finance with the economic, ecological and social needs of our time".

The idea is in particular to create a common language.



paralyzes everyone, it encourages inaction," he said.

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