
Recently, Samsung Electronics declared 'New Samsung' with a radical personnel change and organizational restructuring with executives in their 30s, but voices of dissatisfaction are being voiced that they are forcing employees to agree to the new personnel system.

Reporter Jeong Seong-jin reports.

<Reporter> The

department head is forced to sign the HR system reform agreement, which is pushed by the department head and team leader 5 or 10 times a day.

This article was posted on Samsung Electronics' internal bulletin board.

At the end of last month, Samsung Electronics introduced a reorganization plan to eliminate seniority and introduce absolute evaluation in performance management.

Since reorganization of employment rules such as the personnel system is tied to the interests of workers, the opinions of the majority must be heard or agreed, and the complaints of the employees are that they are being coerced in the process.

In particular, since there is only a box to agree to the consent form, employees who do not agree have no choice at all, and the company does not disclose the deadline for the consent process.

[Samsung Electronics Employee: I think that this in itself is putting pressure on the company because those who submitted (consent) and those who did not submit are clearly distinguished.] The

Samsung Electronics Labor Union joint negotiation team requested an investigation from the Labor Office.

[Lee Won-il / Vice Chairman of Samsung Electronics Labor Union: Not a single individual's opinions and thoughts are respected, creating a coercive and terrifying atmosphere again.

Is there any transparency and trust in writing the consent form?] The

company said

that it is holding an

e-mail and a briefing session to inform the new system, and that the deadline for consent will be announced as soon as the briefing session is over.

There seems to be a big difference in the positions of the labor and management on the HR system reform proposal.

The company explains that it is to foster a culture of mutual cooperation and communication, but the union opposes that it will only encourage competition among employees based on performance and will lower the wage growth rate.

The HR plan for 'New Samsung' with innovation is creaking from the start.

(Video coverage: Yoo Dong-hyeok, video editing: Won-hee Won)