We trust the cloud with our greatest secrets.

Whether private photos or business-critical documents - all of this can be found in these computer centers from external providers.

Just a few years ago, many computer users had reservations about giving up their data.

This trust in one's own hard drive has long since given way to the assessment that the cloud is more convenient and more efficient.

Also fueled by an industry that never tired of promoting the benefits and emphasizing safety.

With a view to a serious software vulnerability like the one that became known over the weekend, some customers might wonder.

Especially since it can affect every private user.

It is no longer enough to just insure that a company is working on a solution quickly.

Or to demand as an association that defensive measures must now be taken immediately.

It's not just cheap, it's too poor.

Otherwise, in Germany in particular, the strictest requirements apply in all industries before a product is allowed to go on the market.

In IT, of all things, this does not seem to apply.

This not only crumbles the foundation of digitization.

The trust of the people behind the smartphone or PC is also dwindling.