Where are you travelling to?

This is what judges have in mind with a preliminary hint so as not to completely take the parties to a legal dispute by surprise.

For Wirecard shareholders who have so far sued the auditors of EY in Munich without success, the hint from the Munich Higher Regional Court is the proverbial hint with the fence post not to give in to their defeat too quickly.

According to this, some judges slouched in the first instance and dismissed complaints without taking evidence.

The reasons for these "serious deficiencies" are likely to be the high workload and the reluctance of lawyers to obtain expert opinions.

They not only cost money, but above all time.

Such problems, however, must not be carried out to the detriment of plaintiffs seeking legal protection.

The proposal to bundle many lawsuits in a test case would serve their interests.

A corresponding application has long been before the regional court.

Should the Munich judiciary succeed in doing so, EY must expect more headwinds and new demands from previously undecided plaintiffs.