<Anchor> It is

fortunate if you can buy the number of elements even if you wait for a long time, but the reality is that it is difficult to buy even if you pay extra. Work has decreased in the aftermath of the corona virus, and oil prices have risen recently.

Reporter Jeon Yeon-nam covered it.


Dozens of chartered buses are lined up.

The number of urea stockpiled has already been used up.

The 1,000-liter urea water bottle is empty, and the urea water doesn't come out even from the lubricator.

In order to make money by operating a chartered bus, urea has soared in price and is difficult to obtain.

[Yeom Heung-seop / chartered bus driver: (The number of elements) I left, but I can’t go long distances. Except for what's in the car, that's it. I'm worried. The car is standing, can you give me a paycheck?] The

situation is the same with the school bus that takes children, so the number of urea causes a setback in the school's operation.

[Academic bus driver: I have one, one. This is the last one for this month.]

Call taxis for the disabled, the only means of transportation for people with severe disabilities, also require urea water for 108 out of 622.

You have a month's supply left, but you should be prepared for the long term.

[Seoul Facilities Corporation official: (The replenishment time of urea is different) Vehicles do not stop all at once, but if there is a shortage, they stop running sequentially... .]

Drivers of heavy equipment, such as excavators, which are mainly put into the field on a daily basis, began to demand compensation, arguing why individuals should bear the social cost of the urea water crisis.

[Il-Nam Kim/Remicon Driver: In a state where work is reduced in the aftermath of the corona virus, it is really difficult to buy urea water at the price of vehicle installments.]

Small-scale self-employed people, couriers, transporters, etc. mainly use diesel trucks, so the quantity of urea water They are inevitably more vulnerable to security and are the first to suffer damage from shortages.

(Video coverage: Yoo Dong-hyeok, video editing: Yoon Tae-ho)  

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