Of course they still exist, the glass ceilings.

Women who want to make a career regularly encounter it with force.

Sustainability, however, includes the discussion about various teams in management.

Thats alright.

Some major investors have announced that they will refuse discharge to executive and supervisory boards in future if they do not take diversity seriously enough.

This also increases the pressure to end the male economy.

The time of lip service is over.

But that also applies to women themselves. It is up to them to become more visible in companies, to play to their strengths, to occupy strategically important positions and to establish networks.

They don't even have to reinvent the wheel, because men have perfected the latter in particular.

But it also includes a policy that sets the framework in such a way that women and men alike can cope not only with family and work, but also with family and career.

That would not only be in the interests of individuals, but also in the interests of a society that cannot do without working women - at all levels.