In a comment to RIA Novosti, he noted that the possibility of using such a measure should be considered not as a market one, but a political one.

“I think that the hypothetical shutdown is not a market measure, but a purely political one.

While no one is ready for it, everyone will only lose from this, ”the source said.

According to him, Russia does not pursue the goal of creating a new alternative SWIFT system as soon as possible - there are no approximate deadlines for the completion of the work.

Work to strengthen the financial independence of the state and the independence of payments has been going on for a long time, but it will continue for a long time. 

“And there is not even a target point.

We work with partners.

The process is more advanced with someone, negotiations with someone have just begun.

Therefore, we will continue to do this systematically.

This work is permanent, one should not expect that in a year or two it will be over, ”said Birichevsky.

The leader of the Alternative for Germany party, Tino Krupalla, said earlier that disconnecting Russia from the SWIFT payment system could damage the European economy.