Two days after the huge crypto hack, more and more backgrounds about the perpetrator come to light.

A stranger from the Poly Network company had stolen digital currencies worth $ 612 million.

This was done via the decentralized financial markets (DeFi) - a technology that can connect different blockchains of digital currencies with one another.

Franz Nestler

Editor in business.

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According to the blockchain analysis firm Elliptic, $ 342 million of the stolen money has now been returned. In an “Ask me Anything”, the hacker then answers a few questions in the blockchain. For example, he was about to give up when he found the crucial gap in the system. It was never his goal to actually steal the digital currencies or to cause panic in the crypto world - he only wanted to save digital money from the security gap. In addition, he did not want to trust that the Poly Network would fix the error and admit it - otherwise an insider could have appropriated the money as well.

Hackers who actually only want to draw attention to problems are also called "white hackers". He only sold some tokens because the Poly Network did not want to speak to him and, in his own words, he was "pissed off" because of it. It is equally possible that the hack was not thought through to the end and it was more difficult than expected to disguise and sell the digital coins. The hacker's English suggests that he is not a native speaker. What about the remaining $ 258 million is still unclear.