The suspension of sports activities and events due to the Covid-19 crisis has had repercussions on the entire sector.

However, becoming a sports educator, animator or accompanying person makes many young people dream, passionate about this universe.

To support the sector, the State has put in place various aids concerning energy renovation and modernization of sports equipment, support for local associations, digital transformation, training but also and above all job creation.

Helping to promote job creation

In order to encourage the recruitment of young people in the world of sport, the State has put in place an effective recovery plan from 2021. Among the solutions proposed, the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports has launched the “1 young person, 1 solution” system, one of the ambitions of which is to direct, by 2022, 2,500 additional young people towards jobs in the sports world and in particular towards the profession of sports educator.

For this, structures and associations affiliated to an approved sports federation can benefit from financial assistance supplementing the remainder of the salary.

This boost, the amount of which can reach 12,000 euros per year over two or three years, is proving effective for young recruits, since nearly 79% of jobs are made permanent (96% of which turn into permanent contracts), according to the report. government.

Young people supported

Another device, called Sesame (Sesame towards employment for sport and animation in the management professions), allows it to support the most disadvantaged young people, aged 16 to 25, towards a qualification in sports or animation supervision professions (sports educator, facilitator, teacher, trainer, trainer, etc.).

By financially helping training centers (with an average amount of aid of 2,000 euros per young person and per year), this program offers these future mentors a personalized path leading to a professional diploma with a success rate of 70%. .

The goal ?

Fund 3,000 new supports by 2022, in order to boost the sports sector.

Focus on the profession of sports educator

Tennis, football, boxing, basketball or swimming ... The educator or sports instructor teaches the practice of one or more disciplines to different types of audiences (adults, young people, seniors or people with disabilities) and most often exercises in a sports club or as an independent. If the adventure tempts you, know that it is necessary, to exercise this profession, to be at least the holder of the state certificate of sports educator (BEES) and that several higher education, from the bac level to the bac + level 3, provide access to many specialties.

After the baccalaureate, one can thus prepare the professional certificate of youth, popular education and sport (BPJEPS). The training lasts 9 to 24 months. You can also prepare, in three years, for a STAPS license (science and technology of physical and sporting activities) or a professional license with a specialization in “fitness professions”.

The State diploma in youth, popular education and sport (DEJEPS) "sports improvement" (bac +2 level) also offers many specialties, from scuba diving to parachuting through the arts. martial arts, volleyball, athletics or even ice hockey.

You can extend it for one year to obtain a DESJEPS "sports performance specialty" in the discipline you have chosen.

Finally, the third degree BEES designates a level of expert in a particular field.

Equivalent to a master's degree, this diploma is much rarer and is aimed at high-level athletes.


Bike repairer, training in tune with the times


Duration, compensation… What are the particularities of the sports CDD?

  • Education

  • Sport

  • Use

  • Youth