While restaurateurs are again authorized Wednesday June 9 to welcome customers in the dining room, chef Yves Camdeborde estimated on Europe 1 that the imposed gauge would not allow them to meet their costs.

However, he believes that with this period of transition the profession is gradually regaining its marks after months of hiatus.


They have not served plates inside their establishments for more than seven months.

Wednesday June 9, on the occasion of a new stage of deconfinement, restaurant owners are authorized to welcome their customers indoors.

"I was able to do my first test gallop since I have a terrace which is quite substantial, so we were able to prepare for this real reopening", explains at the microphone of Europe 1 the chef Yves Camdeborde, specialist in bistro cuisine.

"We feel happy and a little relieved after the months we have just spent, which were psychologically difficult and financially catastrophic," he says. 


The curfew schedule, pushed back to 11 p.m., should also allow restaurants to accommodate more people, despite a gauge set at 50% of the room's usual capacity.

"We will not be profitable at all", nuance Yves Camdeborde.

"But hey, here we are, we know very well that it is for a limited time. It will also allow everyone to readjust. It was not easy, honestly, to resume after this compulsory long rest, physically and morally, ”adds the chef.

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Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Wednesday, June 9

"Customers came to support us financially"

He welcomes "the popular support of all customers", present as soon as the terraces reopen, he says, often with more consumption and increasing bills. "They came to support us financially, to help us get our businesses back a little bit," he notes. "They still prove to us today that restaurateurs are essential to the joy and good humor of everyday life."