He noted that "the world economy has not yet fully recovered."

“Consequently, the demand for oil has not recovered either,” Novak explained.

The Deputy Prime Minister said that "the price of oil largely depends on the actions of the producing countries."

“The approach of the OPEC + countries is responsible: we agreed that we meet every month and make a decision on the level of oil production - to keep it at the same level, increase or decrease.

Making such a decision, every time we proceed from the balance of supply and demand.

Only in this way can we restore the level of our own production, without overheating the world market and without creating a special shortage of oil, ”Novak said.

He added that "the current level of prices - $ 62-66 per barrel - reflects the current situation. '

Earlier, the Russian government approved general plans for the development of the country's oil and gas industries until 2035.

In February, Sergei Pikin, director of the Energy Development Fund, in an interview with FBA "Economics Today" gave a forecast regarding the recovery of the world energy market.