, Beijing, May 8th (Zhang Heyuan, Ji Yunqi) An ultra-thin laptop with a 13.3-inch display and 1.3 kg; a desktop computer with finger vein recognition; a smoothly controlled gaming unit Domestic computers with "Chinese cores" attracted the attention of reporters.

  A few days ago, the reporter took part in the "Entering New State-owned Enterprise · Smart Manufacturing China" interview activity hosted by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission Press Center, and visited the Hunan Intelligent Manufacturing Base of the Great Wall of China on the spot.

The base was established in 2016 and mainly produces smart terminal products, including MiniPC, POS machines, notebook computers, tablets, AI products, etc.

Intelligent manufacturing machine production line (picture provided by Great Wall of China)

  It is reported that the China Great Wall series of computer terminals are different from foreign brands, domestic OEMs, and assembled computers. They have achieved complete independence in computer information technology from chips, middleware, complete machines, controls, network-equipped operating systems, databases, security products, and application systems. , "Close the back door" and "block loopholes" to ensure the intrinsic safety of domestic computers from the technical level, and build a solid foundation for my country's digital construction.

  In addition to the active layout of the R&D side, its production and manufacturing links have also achieved intelligent transformation.

At present, the base uses robotic arms and intelligent control equipment to complete more than 70% of the production process operations, and all robotic arms on the intelligent production line are independently developed by Great Wall of China.

  Why not use robotic arms sold on the market, but instead develop independently?

In this regard, Qin Le, production director of Hunan Great Wall, said that there are few robot products on the market that can meet the company's high-precision production requirements, and the prices of individual robots with nominal performance up to the standard are also ridiculously high.

In this context, the company set out to deploy robots for self-research and determined a new robot technology route that can achieve high precision and control costs at a low level.

China Great Wall Hunan Intelligent Manufacturing Base (picture provided by China Great Wall)

  It is reported that this intelligent manufacturing production line realizes the use of robots for assembly production for the first time in the domestic 3C electronic assembly field. The MES system and equipment independently developed by Great Wall are used for data connection. The entire production process is fully intelligent and can be traced to the industry 3.0 level or more. .

  An Shaoping, Secretary of the Party Branch, Executive Director and General Manager of Hunan Great Wall, introduced that since the robots were put on the production line, the factory's production efficiency has increased by 25%, operating costs have been reduced by 20%, and the product development cycle has been shortened by 30%.
