It was found that Korea's manufacturing competitiveness surpassed the United States and Japan and ranks third in the world after Germany and China.

According to the Korea Industry Research Institute's'Competitiveness in Korea's Manufacturing Industry, Supporting the Corona 19 Economic Crisis', Korea ranked 3rd out of 152 countries in the World Manufacturing Competitiveness Index CIP released last July by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization based on 2018 indicators. .

CIP is an index that combines eight items, including manufacturing value added per capita and manufacturing exports, and is an index that shows the overall competitiveness of the manufacturing industry by country.

Korea, which was ranked 17th in 1990, steadily climbed, surpassing the United States and Japan for the first time last year, and ranked third in the world.

It was analyzed that the manufacturing industry played a supporting role in growth and employment without significantly decreasing the number of employed compared to the service industry despite the Corona 19 crisis.

The report analyzed that "Korea, which has the second highest share of manufacturing among the 28 major countries, has the fourth lowest decline in growth rate compared to 2019, before the crisis, and the 6th lowest rate of increase in the unemployment rate among 28 countries."