Strengthen hard power in science and technology and build soft power in innovation

  If you open the column, the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the 2035 long-term goal outline clearly put forward the need to "strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength", and integrate and optimize the allocation of scientific and technological resources, strengthen original and leading scientific and technological research, and persevere in strengthening basic research and building major technologies In terms of innovation platform and other aspects, scientific plans have been made on how to strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength.

This newspaper has launched the "Interview with Academicians" column today, inviting academicians of the two academies to talk about the key points and difficulties of strengthening the national strategic scientific and technological strength during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period.

  For China to prosper, it must vigorously develop science and technology and strive to become the world's major science center and innovation highland.

Then, how to implement the "14th Five-Year Plan" to truly strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological capabilities?

A reporter from the Economic Daily interviewed Tang Benzhong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a polymer chemist, and the dean of the School of Technology of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen).

  Reporter: The "14th Five-Year Plan" and the 2035 long-term goal outline proposed "strengthening national strategic scientific and technological capabilities". What trend does this reflect?

  Tang Benzhong: Strengthening the country's strategic scientific and technological strength and achieving scientific and technological self-reliance is due to our internal needs on the one hand, and external pressure on the other.

  From the perspective of internal demand, China's economic development to today's scale will encounter bottlenecks if it continues to follow the previous development path, and it must shift from "factor-driven" to "innovation-driven."

From the perspective of external pressure, China’s development to this day has “moved the cheese of others”, and the external pressure that suppresses my country’s technological and economic development has become more and more normal.

  In the case of internal demand and external pressure, the layout is very important if we want to improve our scientific and technological strength.

The term "strengthening the national strategic scientific and technological strength" itself includes a series of scientific and technological layouts, integrating and optimizing the allocation of scientific and technological resources, strengthening original and leading scientific and technological research, persevering in strengthening basic research, and building major scientific and technological innovation platforms. Strength is very important, and it is also the direction to focus on during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period.

  Reporter: To strengthen the country's strategic scientific and technological capabilities, it is necessary to establish a new nationwide system.

What are the salient features of the new nationwide system?

  Tang Benzhong: The new nationwide system requires the whole people to be one mind and a large corps to fight.

The connotation of technological innovation under the new nationwide system has changed.

  During the "two bombs and one satellite" period, we used the power of the whole nation to fill in the gaps before, but to fill the gaps is to follow others, not to lead.

With the development of the times today, our development model will change.

In the past, labor-intensive demographic dividends were almost exhausted, and Chinese wages were not low anymore, and they could not go down the low-end route because even if the low-end route could make money, it could only reach middle-income at most.

The current new nationwide system means that we must think ahead, set a benchmark for the world, and let others follow us.

  The greatest advantage of the nationwide system is its high efficiency.

A bridge in Boston, the United States has been repaired for several years, but a bridge in Beijing can be completed in dozens of hours.

Therefore, under the new nationwide system, on the one hand, we must optimize the connotation of scientific and technological innovation, go to a higher level, and go to no man’s land; on the other hand, major scientific and technological decisions must listen to expert opinions, encourage scientists to participate, and strive not to Take detours or avoid detours.

  Reporter: In order to strengthen the country's strategic scientific and technological capabilities, what are the difficulties that currently require priority breakthroughs?

  Tang Benzhong: To strengthen the country's strategic scientific and technological capabilities, while improving hard power, we must develop soft power.

  First of all, the cultivation of talents is very important, because all work must be carried out to people in the end.

In the past science and technology follow-up stage, we have done research on topics that have been done abroad and have correct answers; but at this stage, we have done original research that has not been done abroad, and there is no ready answer.

This requires universities to change teaching methods and cultivate future stars with innovative consciousness.

  Second, it is extremely important to build a culture of innovation.

The individual's awareness of innovation is closely related to whether the entire society has an innovative culture.

Now, the Chinese government has also begun to attach importance to the construction of an innovative culture.

In the chapter "Strengthening the National Strategic Scientific and Technological Power", it specifically talks about "persevering in strengthening basic research" and encouraging free exploration.

  In modern society, cultural self-confidence increasingly relies on scientific self-confidence.

I hope that we can cultivate a culture of innovation, build up the scientific confidence of the Chinese, attract the best talents to the field of scientific research, break through the influence of pragmatism, and do some seemingly "useless" research, so as to achieve a leap.

  Reporter: To strengthen the country's strategic scientific and technological capabilities, what breakthroughs need to be made in basic research?

  Tang Benzhong: Great scientific research has two levels: one is to change the face of the world.

Nobel Prize winner in physics and former president of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Gao Kun's "optical fiber" is an invention that changed the face of the world.

The second is to change people's thinking.

Planck's quantum theory has changed the way people think.

  In a country as big as ours, we need people who do applied research to change the mode of operation of society and people's way of life.

But to build a world power in science and technology, it may be more important to change the way people think.

We have 1.4 billion people, how much contribution can we make in the history of world science?

Someone must do pure scientific research that is ahead of time and has no use in sight.

  If you don't do advanced research, you can only run with others forever.

More than 100 years ago, a physicist said that he should be the bread maker, not the one who picks up other people's breadcrumbs and eats them.

In this process, financial support needs to be configured.

The existing system of funding competition for scientific research projects has its advantages and can force lazy people to work; but the disadvantage is that diligent people are also forced to be impetuous.

For example, if you ask mathematician Chen Jingrun to get money, he will definitely not get it.

For basic research, it is necessary to establish a scientist studio system, provide long-term stable funding support, and encourage free exploration.

  Reporter: The "14th Five-Year Plan" and the 2035 long-term goal outline mentioned "supporting Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to form an international scientific and technological innovation center", which is also an important measure to strengthen the national scientific and technological strategic strength, which is important for the development of the Greater Bay Area. What are your expectations for technological innovation?

  Tang Benzhong: The construction of three international science and innovation centers belongs to the category of "major technological innovation platforms".

Beijing and Shanghai are the places where universities and research institutes are concentrated, so it is a matter of course to engage in science and technology innovation.

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is not the same. It is not a traditional cultural research center, but now the Greater Bay Area has a very good momentum of development and its advantages are also very prominent.

  The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has a very large economy and a very large population base.

The entire Pearl River Delta has a developed economy and a complete industrial chain.

Shenzhen is very attractive to young people and has a very good atmosphere for innovation and entrepreneurship.

High-tech companies such as Huawei, Tencent and DJI are all from Shenzhen.

As far as Guangzhou is concerned, Huangpu Science City has developed into a science and technology town in the Greater Bay Area.

Hong Kong also has strong points, such as a sound legal system, a high level of scientific research, and a sufficient international atmosphere.

The existing resource advantages are well integrated and utilized, and it is believed that the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will develop better in the future.

(Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter She Huimin)