In a Spain where youth unemployment exceeds 40%, it is sometimes easy to ignore the difficulties of access to work for older people.

One even comes to think that giving work to the second means taking it away from the first, something that the former Minister of Defense and current president of the Transformation Foundation

Eduardo Serra

categorically denies: "it is false that giving work to the seniors is taking it away from the seniors. youths".

This was one of the conclusions of a talk by the Savia Cycle entitled '

Senior talent, key in business strategy

' which was also attended by

Antonio Fernández-Galiano

, president of the Editorial Unit,

José Bogas

, CEO of Endesa and

Antonio Rodríguez-Pina

, president of Deutsche Bank and moderated by

Tomás Pereda

, deputy director general of the Fundación Más Humano.

"It is necessary to radically change the paradigm", added Serra, and to think that giving work to the elderly also increases productivity.

Addressing this debate will allow that senior talent is no longer spoken of "with reluctance" because it will not be opposed in the imaginary to youth employment.

In Fernández-Galiano's opinion, "the elderly can contribute in a very productive way" and, therefore, it is necessary to "end the myth that productivity drops after a certain age".

And when it comes to breaking with conceptions, he also contributes that "we

must combat that topic that it is necessary to replace some profiles with others


Rodríguez-Pina agrees with this idea and recalls that "often" retirement does not depend "on the capacity of the people", who could continue working.

"People have a need to feel useful and to do useful things until a much later age," he laments.

In this sense, the manager points out that technology is becoming easier to use - "the most active in social networks in my house

is my mother

" - which facilitates specialization and the adoption of new tools.

New profiles

"Age today does not condition absolutely anything," summarizes Bogas.

"It gives the impression that the senior does not have the ability to learn or adapt," he adds.

And remember that "senior people are professionals with experience and adaptability."

"You have to break stereotypes."

With regard to these new profiles, Fernández-Galiano also contributes another idea: they are not always necessary and each one will contribute their knowledge, experience and value.

"We must combat this topic that it is necessary to replace some profiles with others."

"The professional who has spent years sees things from another perspective," he explains.

Bogas also had an impact on this aspect, since, in his opinion, older workers "take advantage of any occasion to continue learning."

And he encourages this example to be followed: "there are more barriers in our head to take a step forward than there really are."


Another topic discussed in the talk was pensions that, according to Serra, "in a few years will not be able to be paid."

The former minister believes that "we are hiding the reality" of a system that, he recalls, was thought at a time when they had to reach fewer people who, moreover, died earlier.

As a possible solution, Serra mentions the English model in which the pension is increased for each year worked after reaching retirement age.

"Civil society has to be fully involved in this problem," warns Fernández-Galiano, who recalls that "we are living in a deception" thinking that it is an eternal system.

Likewise, the debate dealt with the problem from a gender perspective, since it is a problem that, according to Bogas recalls, doubly affects female workers of a certain age.

However, he argues, "talent is genderless and senior talent is genderless."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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