Learn financial management knowledge, buy financial products, invest in hometown industries...

How can the new generation of migrant workers increase their income?

  Reading tips

  According to the 2020 China Economic Annual Report released by the National Bureau of Statistics in January this year, the average monthly income of migrant workers reached 4,072 yuan, an increase of 2.8% over the previous year.

Nowadays, the new generation of migrant workers, the mainstay of migrant workers, has gradually turned their attention to the field of investment and financial management in the face of increasing income and increasing savings, trying to learn financial management knowledge, purchase financial products, and invest in hometown industries.

  During the Spring Festival this year, Xu Gang, who had just turned 27, did not return to his hometown in Fengjie County, Chongqing for the New Year. The New Year gift he gave himself was a book called "Learning Financial Management from Scratch".

"It can be regarded as a birthday gift. I hope that this year I can learn to invest and manage money and earn more money in addition to working." Xu Gang said.

  The reporter visited and found that the new generation of migrant workers in Xugang's age group had a completely different economic concept from the previous generation of migrant workers.

"My parents went to the city to work and earn money, either by depositing it in the bank or sending it home. We hope that through investment and financial management, we can make more and more money." Xu Gang said.

The distress behind the will

  There are several banks in the area where the food is delivered to Xugang, who works as a delivery worker in Chongqing city.

"When you enter and leave these places, you will often see leaflets with words such as financial management and investment." He told reporters that this gave him a desire to try it.

  However, despite the will in this regard, Xu Gang has not put it into action for a long time.

"I don't understand, I don't understand, I don't dare to try it rashly." His words also revealed the distress of many new generations of migrant workers who are willing to invest and manage money.

  According to Ren Feng, who is engaged in financial analysis, the education level of the new generation of migrant workers is generally not high. Although they are eager to learn more about investment and financial management, it is not practical to grasp it quickly.

"On the other hand, due to working time constraints, they are unable to participate in relevant training or lectures." Ren Feng said.

  Xu Gang also admitted the above statement. He has seen notices that a bank will hold financial training seminars many times, but thought of giving up half a day of food delivery to attend the class, and ultimately he did not sign up.

"Now, I mostly look for related videos on my mobile phone, but lack the guidance of experts, and I am completely confused when facing unfamiliar terms."

  Zhao Cheng, who works in a construction engineering group in Chongqing, also said in an interview that his monthly income can reach 6,000 to 7,000 yuan. The project covers food and housing, and he does not need to send money home, and he is unwilling to save the money. The bank wants to buy some wealth management products, but doesn't know how to buy or which one to buy.

"I hope that the company can invite some experts in investment and financial management to talk to us and popularize relevant knowledge." Zhao Cheng said that there are not a few migrant workers around him who are in a situation like himself, and they are willing to use their savings for investment and financial management. , But because I don’t understand and worry about losing money.

Start by learning to keep accounts

  "Because migrant workers lack professional financial theoretical knowledge, although they have the willingness to invest in financial management, there are not many people who really try." Ren Feng said that in their daily work contact, they buy investment and financial products. The proportion of migrant workers is not large.

  "But willingness is a good phenomenon. This shows that the economic concept of the new generation of migrant workers has changed, and it can be regarded as a positive signal for the financial market." Ren Feng said that for the new generation of migrant workers, we must first let them have Awareness of financial management, might as well start by learning to keep accounts, this is also a good way of financial management.

  Zhang Xueyan, 25, comes from a rural village in Zhongxian County, Chongqing, and has been a cleaner in the city for more than two years.

Since working part-time, she has developed the habit of keeping accounts.

"The income and expenses of each month are clear at a glance, which can really save a lot of money." She took out a thick accounting book to show reporters that she used the money she saved to buy 3 funds. Now every month In addition to the income from part-time work, one can also earn one or two thousand yuan from the fund.

"These additional income increases are the income obtained by bookkeeping." She said happily.

  Some people in the industry mentioned that financial management is also called financial planning. Bookkeeping is to form a good economic plan by adjusting the order of consumption and the proportion of various expenditures, so as to achieve the safety, preservation, and appreciation of assets. This is for those who lack financial market experience. For the new generation of migrant workers, it is a financial management tool that can be used out of the box.

  Xu Gang told reporters that the income at his disposal is not small at ordinary times, but at the end of the month, he will find that there is not much money left. “Many times it is not clear where the money is spent.” In the financial management book he bought, There is also a chapter that mentions the importance of bookkeeping, "I started to try bookkeeping during the Spring Festival, making this method my first step towards financial management."

  "Bookkeeping can remind you to live within your means. The new generation of migrant workers want to learn financial management. Living within their means is the top priority of financial management. After all, their generation works to earn money to spend on their own, and spending money is also a science in financial management." Peak recommendation.

Investment may wish to "look back"

  23-year-old Peng Hongchang is from Wushan County and works as a taxi driver in the main city of Chongqing. Although he is a post-90s generation, he is already a well-known "investor" in his hometown.

  "I invested in an orchard and I distributed 13,000 yuan in dividends during the Spring Festival this year." Peng Hongchang was a little excited when he talked about his investment experience.

When he returned to his hometown the year before last, he heard that his uncle had contracted the orchard in the village, so he put his savings into shares.

Peng Hongchang told reporters that he had always planned to use his spare money to make some investment, and it happened that there was a project in his hometown, so he did not hesitate.

  After becoming a shareholder, Peng Hongchang opened a lease in the city while actively expanding sales channels for the industry in his hometown.

By chance, he received a customer from a food processing factory. After chatting in the car, the other party was very interested, and finally signed a supply agreement with him. The fruits from his hometown became the fixed source of supply for this food processing factory.

  "The characteristic of the new generation of migrant workers is that they are more active in thinking." Ren Feng said: "The previous generation of migrant workers immersed themselves in hard work to earn money for the future pension, while many new generation of migrant workers work to earn money for consumption. So how do you make yourself better? Increasing income from the'pocket bag' of this generation has become something that this generation will think about."

  "When the new generation of migrant workers have a certain amount of savings and are eager to find project investment,'looking back' is a good direction." Ren Feng pointed out that nowadays rural industries are booming, and rural local products, handicrafts, etc. have the potential to be worth investing in. .

And the reason why Peng Hongchang can get more income from investment is that he did not sit back and enjoy the results, but actively participated in it.

  Ren Feng emphasized that the new generation of migrant workers should be encouraged to cultivate investment and financial management awareness, whether it is to purchase financial products or investment projects, if they do not pay attention to the trend of products or grasp the development of projects, they have the idea that "money generates money naturally". Undoubtedly, it will be empty.

  Industry insiders also reminded that with the popularization of smart phones, the new generation of migrant workers have more convenient and efficient access to information, investment and financial management must think twice, resist the temptation, in addition, must have a plan, estimate income, and consume wisely.

  Reporter: Huang Shiqiang