<Anchor> It is a

friendly economic time.

Today (10th) will be with reporter Kim Hye-min.

Reporter Kim, today there is a survey of how wealthy Koreans manage their assets. Please explain the results of the survey.

<Reporter> In

fact, talking about the rich is like a different world, but knowing how they manage their assets can help ordinary people to invest, so I'm going to introduce them.

A large bank research institute classifies people with more than 1 billion won in financial assets as'rich'.

I did some research on them.

Financial assets alone are KRW 1 billion, but if other assets are combined, it could be more.

First of all, we looked at the holding ratio by asset type.

For the rich, 53% of their total assets were real estate.

45% were financial assets.

The ratio of real estate assets continued to increase, which seems to be due to the recent increase in real estate prices and asset values.

In addition, more than half of the rich said they would keep their current asset composition intact.

Those who said they would own more real estate in the future declined significantly in the last year compared to the previous year.

Real estate taxes have increased a lot last year and this year.

It seems to be feeling the burden of this.


Reporter Kim, then, let’s go into a little more specific.

Like last year, there are cases of economic crisis due to bad news such as Corona 19.

In this case, the rich wonder how they structured their financial asset portfolio.

How is it structured?


Let's break down only financial assets and look at them in detail.

The wealthy's cash and savings holdings and investments in stocks increased significantly from the previous year.

Conversely, the percentage of investing in funds or trusts has declined.

Last year, because of Corona 19, the economic crisis was coming, and it was not known when it would recover.

Because of the high uncertainty, we had more secure cash and deposits.

It seems that stock investment has expanded as stock prices have jumped from the end of the year.

So what kind of financial products do the rich like?

Long-term preferences are short-term financial products and index-linked securities and funds.

But now it's getting colder.

The rate of direct investment in domestic stocks or overseas stocks or bonds is increasing.

About 23% of the rich who said they made a high return of 10% or more last year, most of them said it was due to direct investment in stocks and equity-type funds.


Then, let's talk about real estate.

I think rich people will have more investment properties than the house I live in. Is that true?


Looking at the composition of real estate assets of the rich, commercial real estate such as shopping malls accounted for the highest proportion until 2019, but last year it was a little different.

With the impact of Corona 19, the rental income of commercial real estate has fallen significantly, and the holding ratio has also sharply decreased.

Also, the proportion of owning houses for the purpose of living has increased a lot.

On the other hand, the percentage of ownership of real estate for investment has decreased slightly.

With the recent increase in the ownership tax, it seems that multi-homed people have started to clean up their assets.

I also asked about the plans for the future, and many answered that the rich would not buy or sell real estate, but would keep it as it is.

Still, most people said they would buy and sell small and medium-sized apartments if they had to buy or sell real estate.


Then, finally, the rich people are a little curious about where to get this kind of investment information.

Was there anything related to it?


Let's take a look at real estate and stocks.

The highest percentage of rich people with real estate assets of 5 billion won or more when they obtain real estate investment information is through media reports.

Next was family and friends and other acquaintances.

There were quite a few people who heard information through real estate agencies.

Large investors who invest more than 300 million won in stocks were getting the most information through media articles and from acquaintances around them.

What stands out is that there were quite a few people who collected information on their own, and there were also quite a few people who listened to explanations from employees of financial companies.

The wealthy people were basically getting information in a similar way to the general public, but it is presumed that important information was collected by themselves or through financial company employees.