
IStock / City Presse

Each week, you respond to job offers.

An online form to complete or an application file to be sent by post or email is often sufficient to apply.

But the vast majority of your requests go unanswered, or even never read by recruiters.

Blame it on the piles of applicants that are too high and the employers who sort it out.

Relaunch, without harassing

To avoid ending up directly in the trash and getting a job interview, it is first of all imperative to follow up with the recruiter.

A few days after sending your application, contact the company by phone to ensure that your request has reached the correct recipient.

An opportunity to show your enthusiasm.

If, subsequently, you still have no feedback after two to three weeks, you can try a final appeal, if only to find out if you are still in the race or if the recruitment has been completed.

It is about working the recruiter to the body, without harassing him.

In addition, for those who are lucky enough to be "boosted", ask your contacts to make a few phone calls or send an email, as soon as possible, to the recruiter to highlight your application.

Talk about you

When you apply for offers on specialized sites, it is important to regularly update your personal data on these platforms - but also on all the online media available to you.

The more active you are, the more easily your CV will be able to go up in the databases.

The "profiles" of members posted on job sites also give young graduates the opportunity to discuss their course by detailing the subjects they have just taken.

A way to say more about your knowledge, while optimizing your SEO.

What you don't expect in an application CV.

This active presence in your industry must extend to recruitment fairs and, more broadly, to trade fairs.

The objective is to get acquainted and to create a network, while remaining up to date in its field.

Generally speaking, increasing the number of job applications on the fly, in a sloppy fashion and without follow-up, is of little use.

It is more advantageous to target your candidates to take special care.


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The right timing

The exercise of the recovery is perilous and uncertain.

Here are some tips to arouse the employer's curiosity rather than annoyance:

  • The deadline: opinions are very divided.

    A good part of HRDs generally believe that the reminder of the candidate should take place between the first and the fifth day after sending his CV, while others favor a reminder between 6 and 14 days, or even after two weeks.

  • Frequency: reminders should not turn into harassment.

    It's once or twice at most.

    After landing an interview, a new call to renew your motivation for the position can be made.

  • New hires

  • Employment

  • CV

  • Advice