Lebanon: unrest spreads to the Shiite street

A protester blocks a highway north of Beirut, Lebanon, Monday March 8, 2021. AP - Hussein Malla

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The new round of protest in Lebanon is characterized by the awakening of the Shiite street largely left out of the protest movement against the political class that erupted on October 19, 2019.


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with our correspondent in Beirut


Paul Khalifeh

As everywhere in Lebanon, angry demonstrators cut roads in predominantly Shiite regions, such as the southern suburbs of Beirut or the south of the country.

The unrest within the Shiite community, largely attached to Hezbollah and the Amal movement, chaired by

the leader of the Parliament Nabih Berry

, is unusual.

Hezbollah takes a critical look at the protest, which it suspects of being manipulated by its local adversaries or even by foreign powers.

But like the majority of Lebanese, the Shiites are hard hit by the economic crisis which has worsened due to the depreciation of the pound and the surge in prices that followed.

This is not the only factor that explains the participation of young Shiites in the road closures.

Unlike the first months of the protest, the traditional political parties play an important role in the current mobilization.

Nabih Berry has no problem with his supporters directing their anger against President Michel Aoun, with whom he has deep political differences on many issues.

Disowned by the population, the traditional parties are trying to regain control and engage in political settling of scores that have nothing to do with the economic and social demands of the majority of the Lebanese.

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  • Lebanon