<Anchor> The

more we look at the behavior of LH employees who bought land in the Gwangmyeong Siheung New City area, the more suspicion that they were speculating on the land will inevitably grow.

Reporter Jeong Seong-jin covered the suspicious movements of employees of the same department or joint purchases by a couple's employees.

<Reporter> It

is a two-story building in Gwarim-dong, Siheung-si.

Two years ago, Mr. Jang, an LH employee, bought land under the name of his family and acquaintances, and the building was purchased under his own name.

Jang filed a move-in notification to this Guarim-dong building at the end of 2019, but it is difficult to find anyone who has seen the real life.

[The tenant on the 1st floor of the building: I don't know, I don't know anything.] In

Daechi-dong, Seoul, where Mr. Jang's immediate address, it is easy to hear that he is living with his family.

[Local residents: It's been several years since I moved in.

(The family) lives.] This

is a suspicion of gastrointestinal transfer.

It is analyzed that if the actual residence requirements are met one year before the announcement of the announcement of the new housing site, the housing site for immigrants can be supported, and it is possible to sell the commercial site by operating a store.

The five LH employees, who were also suspicious of speculation, worked together in one department at the Gwacheon Uiwang Project.

They mobilized other employees and their families to purchase three lands in Gwarim-dong and Mujinae-dong.

In Gwacheon and Hanam, which had similar housing projects to Siheung, Gwangmyeong, people who served as heads of the project were also listed on the list of alleged speculation.