The Tokyo Stock Exchange on the first day of the week was almost entirely high, and the Nikkei Stock Average rose by more than 600 yen from the closing price last weekend.

The Nikkei Stock Average fell sharply by more than 1,200 yen on the 26th of last weekend, so buy orders swelled mainly for stocks that had fallen on the 1st.

▽ Nikkei Stock Average, closing price of 1 day is 697.49 yen higher than last weekend, 29,663.50 yen,

▽ Tokyo Stock Price Index = topics is up 37.99, 1902.48,

▽ daily trading volume is


It was 10,000 shares.

Market officials said, "Because the rise in long-term interest rates in the United States has subsided and the yen has weakened and the dollar has strengthened in the foreign exchange market, there has been a move to buy back semiconductor and electronic component brands that had been declining recently. Trends in long-term interest rates in the United States continue to be watched. "