The dumplings and Lantern Festival are all qualified

Reminder: Don’t buy those with frost or scum

  News from our newspaper (Reporter Zhang Nan) The Lantern Festival is approaching. The Beijing Municipal Market Supervision Administration has carried out food safety supervision on the dumplings and Lantern Festival food sold in large shopping malls, supermarkets, wholesale and retail markets, catering units, small grocery stores, and online platforms Sampling.

The results of the random inspections released yesterday showed that the safety of the Lantern Festival and Tangyuan sold in the Beijing market is generally good, and citizens can rest assured to eat during the festival.

  The reporter learned from the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau that this sampling inspection focused on oxidation value, lead, sodium saccharin, brilliant blue, lemon yellow, sunset yellow and other items in accordance with relevant standards and regulations.

Up to now, a total of 108 batches of glutinous rice balls and Lantern Festival have been supervised and sampled, and the pass rate is 100%.

  ■Reminder: When purchasing Yuanxiao (Tangyuan), you must first check whether the food label on the package is complete.

Secondly, it depends on the storage conditions. At present, most supermarkets sell quick-frozen glutinous rice balls.

Quick-frozen food should be sold under frozen conditions, but do not buy products with frost or scum. Frost or scum indicates that the storage temperature of the product is unstable, and the product is prone to rancidity and deterioration, which has a greater impact on product quality.

In addition, a good Lantern Festival (Tang Yuan) has uniform color, basically round shape, basically the same size, uniform skin thickness, no fillings, no cracks, no visible impurities, and no mold spots.

  It should be noted that people who are sensitive to allergies should carefully check the ingredient list and related prompt information. Foods containing allergen ingredients should be carefully selected.

Tangyuan and Yuanxiao are all raw products, and most of them are stuffed. They should be cooked thoroughly and eaten, especially products with meat stuffing.

Photo by our reporter Wu Di