
According to information from the "Spiegel", the US company Facebook has its employees delete hate comments about "fucking Almans".

Posts containing the phrase “You are so typically stupid German” should also be removed from the network.

That emerges from the company's internal training documents.

These are therefore aimed at around 2000 so-called "content moderators" who decide for Facebook in Berlin and Essen which comments need to be deleted.

According to the US magazine “Motherboard”, however, the internal rules are not always consistent.


An example: A Facebook post with a drawing that equates a minaret with the shape of a penis should not be removed unless the post explicitly states that the image is directed against Muslims or Islam.

On request, Facebook confirmed that the examples in the documents were valid from 2018 to today.

Moderators would be trained for at least 80 hours before starting their job.

The group has long been criticized for the fact that it is not clear which content is allowed on Facebook and is therefore not deleted - and which is not.