Fujita Kanko, which operates accommodation facilities and banquet facilities nationwide, such as the Washington Hotel and Tsubaki Sanso, has suffered financial deterioration due to the effects of the new corona virus, so the banquet facility Taiko-en in Osaka City It has announced that it will close its business at the end of June by selling major facilities such as venues and restaurants.

We have not disclosed the seller or the amount of the sale, but we will record approximately 32.9 billion yen as extraordinary profit from the sale.

G20 Ministerial Meeting Venue

According to the website, "Taiko-en" on the north side of Osaka Castle has a restaurant with a building of over 100 years in a garden of about 8,000 tsubo, a wedding hall and a banquet hall, and at the 2019 G20 Osaka Summit, It was used as a venue for ministerial meetings.