The trillion-yuan big market is here!

The "money" scene is vast!

300 million people will participate!

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  Speaking of skiing, people’s first reaction is usually northerners, and they want to go skiing in the Northeast in winter. However, southerners may express dissatisfaction, because data shows that southerners may love skiing more. Following the Beijing Winter Olympics With the approach of skiing, skiing has gradually become popular, and parent-child skiing and ski vacations have even become a lifestyle that more and more people like. The rise of skiing has also led to the rapid development of related industries.

  "Skiing fever" rises up to 80% of beginners

  According to the person in charge of an indoor ski resort in Guangzhou, according to the current epidemic prevention policy, they have implemented an online real-name reservation system while controlling the maximum passenger flow, but this does not affect everyone's enthusiasm for ice and snow sports. Every weekend, come here There is an endless stream of tourists experiencing skiing.

  The person in charge also told reporters that among the many ski enthusiasts who came here, most tourists from the south were more curious about ice and snow sports. The data showed that this ski resort has been full every week since it opened in the summer of 2019, and six of them have become southern tourists. .

  The person in charge of the ski resort also said that since the opening, they have set a record of 5,000 passengers per day, which is a considerable number for an indoor ski resort.

Among them, beginners account for more than 80%, and the growth momentum is rapid.

Ctrip data shows that 80% of current ski tourists are beginners.

The "China Ice and Snow Tourism Consumption Big Data Report (2020)" shows that in 2020, the top ten northern cities in the top ten are Beijing and Zhengzhou, and the remaining 8 are all southern cities.

  Chen Yaozhao also experienced the "skiing fever". Two years ago, he and a few "snow friends" established a ski club. The reporter saw on the club’s photo wall that the number of their members was 6 or 7 from the beginning. Individuals, there are thousands of people.

At present, in addition to providing ski rental and sales, ski teaching, the club also regularly organizes ski salons, ski competitions and other activities.

  Sales of ski equipment rental and sales rose 13 times

  "Skiing fever" has driven the increase in sales of ski equipment, and the entry of a large number of beginners has promoted the rapid outbreak of the ski equipment market.

  The person in charge of a sports goods company headquartered in Guangzhou told reporters that their store did not set up a special area for ski clothing in the past two years, but mixed ski clothing with other products for sale.

However, in the past two years, as more and more consumers come to consult ski wear, they have not only opened up a sales area, but also arranged a special shopping guide, and sales have also risen sharply compared to previous years.

  Sun Na, Brand Director of Guangzhou Kaile Stone Sporting Goods Co., Ltd.: From the data of last year, online sales have increased by 132.9%, community sales have increased by 337%, and offline has reached the full year, exceeding 50% year-on-year. The most popular one is a ski down jacket, which was completely out of stock in the north in December.

  Not only ski wear, but also due to the rise of social platforms such as short videos, anti-shake cameras for sports shooting have also become popular equipment for the ski circle this snow season.

  According to a report released by CBNData and Tmall Sports, the sales of ski equipment increased 13 times year-on-year in the last month.

Industry insiders told reporters that ski equipment is divided into three categories: ski wear, quick-drying clothes and other clothing accessories; snowboards, snow shoes and other large ski equipment, and helmets and snow goggles and other safety equipment.

A complete set of mid-end ski equipment is available, and the price starts at 20,000 yuan.

With the increase in skiing technology, the higher the requirements for equipment professionalism, the higher the price.

  Compared with professional ski equipment, a large number of beginners choose to rent a set to experience it first. The reporter learned that currently all major ski resorts in the country are equipped with ski rental services, and the rental price of a basic equipment is several hundred yuan per day.

Some popular ski shops will have a boom in rental and sales during the snow season.

  Cai Ruihong, manager of Burton Guangzhou Sunac Cooperative Store: Snow suits, snow pants and helmets are 200 yuan a day. The best rental is the quick-wear series. The price is 400 yuan a day, including snowboards, anchors and shoes, about one day. Rent two or three times.

  According to industry insiders, compared with foreign countries, the domestic ski equipment market is still in its infancy, and a large amount of consumer demand remains to be developed. In the next two years, ski equipment for the domestic market will show more specialized and segmented characteristics.

  The prospect of ski teaching in three shifts with coaches

  The sales of ski equipment have skyrocketed. From the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, whether it is on social platforms or e-commerce platforms, the "cold sport" of skiing has brought about a hot "snow economy", which has also led to real estate and cultural development. Related industries such as innovation, education and training.

  Wu Long, Dean of Guangzhou Sunac Ski School: The enrollment situation is very good, because the ice and snow sports in the market has been very hot in the past two years. Currently, there are 30 children who have signed up for the first phase, including weekend classes, winter and summer classes.

  The coach told reporters that their ski resort training courses range from junior high to senior level, and are divided into team courses, single classes, double classes, experience classes, winter camps, etc. At the moment when they are busiest, nearly 100 of them Coaches are currently in three shifts in rotation, and courses are often arranged from morning to night.

  Industry insiders pointed out that China has become the world's largest primary ski market, and ski teaching has a bright future. From the perspective of the entire industry, with the approach of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the ski industry will enter the fast lane of development.

The "Ice and Snow Sports Development Plan (2016-2025)" formulated by the State Sports General Administration shows that the total scale of my country's ice and snow industry will reach 1 trillion yuan in 2025, and 300 million people will be driven to participate in ice and snow sports.

According to the calculations of the United Nations World Tourism Organization, my country's ice and snow tourism in the ice and snow season from 2021 to 2022 will drive the output value of ice and snow characteristic towns, ice and snow cultural creation, ice and snow sports, resort real estate and other related industries to reach 2.92 trillion yuan.

  Li Hao, the person in charge of Panda Ski APP: From the passenger flow of various ski resorts, including the attention of various brands, the "skiing craze" began 5 years ago, especially in the past two years as the Winter Olympics approached, it is very capable I clearly feel that the past two years are the peak period of market growth, and after the Winter Olympics, it will continue to grow.