Pfizer Pharmaceutical's Corona 19 vaccine, which is expected to be introduced in Korea next month, is expected to go through the domestic product approval process within this month.

According to the pharmaceutical industry, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Korea has decided to apply for a formal item license with the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety within this month and is working at the end.

Pfizer Pharm applied for a review of non-clinical and clinical data before applying for a vaccine to the Food and Drug Administration on the 18th, and has followed up afterwards.

An official from Pfizer Pharmaceutical Korea said, "It is difficult to mention the date, but we will apply for a vaccine product license as soon as possible."

AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine is also currently undergoing approval and review procedures from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety has established a'permission-dedicated review team' for rapid vaccination, and has shortened the approval review period from 180 days to within 40 days.

However, it is very likely that the Food and Drug Administration will not fill these 40 days and will give you a quick authorization to speed up the vaccination schedule.

Pfizer's Corona 19 vaccine is a'nucleic acid vaccine' developed using messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA, messenger RNA) containing the genetic information of the virus, and should be administered twice every 28 days.

However, there is a difficulty in distributing Pfizer vaccine through a'cold chain' at cryogenic temperatures below -70℃.