At the end of last year, the Hanoverian top and over-drugist Dirk Roßmann published his first novel: the eco-thriller "The ninth arm of the octopus" - which is of course not a bad title, given the fact that octopuses habitually dispose of only eight extremities. which is why a ninth must be a very bad change in the hereditary structure and in general a mysterious sign of impending doom.

In Roßmann's fantasy of the future and redemption, however, Vladimir Putin, Kamala Harris and Xi Jinping have thankfully reconciled to do together what needs to be done and to save the world from war and climate collapse.

The sales figures are formidable, the reviews astonishingly good.


Mr. Roßmann, satisfied with the placement of your eco-thriller “The ninth arm of the octopus”?

You are in second place in the current sales table.

Dirk Roßmann:

Yes, of course, I am satisfied.

But it was also a piece of hard work.

The months of preoccupation with the climate catastrophe have already bothered me and somehow depressed me very much.