Everything is set for a grandiose 2021. Nothing, it seems, can cloud the positive expectations.

The financial markets are rejoicing at the enormous amount of money that the central banks will continue to make available in the coming months.

Most economists predict that globalization will pick up speed again.

Because the over-protector Trump will take off his hat in a few days and his successor Biden will lead world trade back on the original path.

When it comes to Corona, the worst is likely to be over.

After all, very few economies have slipped into disaster.

And now the vaccinations are starting.

So the end of Covid-19 seems near.

The Dax started the new year with a new historical record.

But there are also the warning voices that draw attention to the fact that it will not be that easy after all.

If all actors see the same optimistic scenario for 2021, caution is called for.