In 2017 Carsten Spohr was celebrated as Manager of the Year, not least for the Air Berlin takeover, increasing passenger numbers and debt reduction.

Spohr shone with years of success - until the corona pandemic and the global slump in aviation tore the group into the red.

The state participated as a savior and granted billions in loans.

Now Spohr has to prove himself as a crisis manager.


Virus experts are calling for more and more distance to contain the corona pandemic.

In your cabin, however, the passengers sit knee to knee.

How does that fit together?

Carsten Spohr:

The safety in the aircraft despite the sometimes unavoidable proximity is now accepted worldwide and supported by numerous facts.

We change the cabin air every 180 seconds, and Hepa special filters ensure an air quality comparable to that in an operating theater.

In the entire world of aviation with over a billion passengers, even in the year of the pandemic, there have so far only been a few proven corona infections on board an aircraft.

This shows how well the air exchange, combined with the vertical air flow, works in the aircraft.


Did Lufthansa passengers also get infected?