China News Service, December 30. According to the website of the Ministry of Commerce, the General Office of the Ministry of Commerce recently issued the "Notice on Promoting Community Consumption to Practically Solve the Difficulties of the Elderly in Using Intelligent Technology" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice").

The "Notice" requires speeding up the construction and transformation of a batch of urban and rural convenience consumer service centers, speeding up the development of community brand chain convenience stores, and facilitating the daily consumption of the elderly.

Data map: Ministry of Commerce.

Image source: Visual China

  The main tasks mentioned in the "Notice" are as follows:

  Speed ​​up the construction and transformation of a batch of urban and rural convenience consumer service centers.

All localities should refer to the newly revised "Guidelines for the Construction of Community Convenience Service Centers", "Guidelines for the Construction of Neighborhood Life Service Concentration Centers", and "Guidelines for the Construction of Rural Life Comprehensive Service Centers" to speed up the construction of a batch of services for catering, housekeeping, childcare, and elderly care The integrated urban and rural convenience consumer service center will transform the existing urban and rural convenience consumer service center to adapt to aging, retain cash payment methods and face-to-face manual services, optimize smart service methods, and create an elderly-friendly consumer environment.

  The "Guidelines for the Construction of Community Convenience Service Centers" clarify that the scale of community convenience service centers should be based on the number of residents in the community, taking into account the service radius, and the business area should be more than 300 square meters.

  The service function should be adapted to the community’s demographic structure, resident consumption level, habits and methods, to meet the daily needs of the residents and convenient consumption as the goal, and to further enhance the protection of the life services for the elderly, children, and the disabled. Divided into basic services and optional services, see the table below for details.

The newly-built community convenience service center should give priority to the allocation of basic service functions, and the renovated community convenience service center should gradually improve the basic service functions through various channels.

In response to the growing trend of aging in my country, community convenience service centers should actively carry out age-appropriate transformations according to the needs of community residents, and improve the level of service for the elderly.

Community Convenience Service Center Service Function Combination Table

Basic service

Selective service

Convenience store, fresh vegetable store, mass catering (breakfast), housekeeping, haircut, maintenance

Childcare, nursing for the elderly, laundry, collection and payment, clothing and sewing, fitness, beauty and manicure, activity room, etc.

  The "Guidelines for the Construction of Community Service Concentration Centers" clarify that the total length of a block should generally be more than 400 meters, and the width can be determined according to the facilities and the flow of people in the block.

The main service function of the block can be one of the life service functions such as shopping, food, leisure and entertainment, or a combination of several life service functions.

  The "Guidelines for the Construction of Rural Life Comprehensive Service Centers" clarify that the project scale of rural life comprehensive service centers should be determined based on the number of residents in towns, natural villages or administrative villages, taking into account the service radius.

Requirements for the business area of ​​the comprehensive service center for township (town) life: more than 300 square meters in the eastern and central areas, and more than 200 square meters in the western areas.

Requirements for the business area of ​​village-level comprehensive service stations: more than 100 square meters in the eastern and central regions, and more than 80 square meters in the western regions.

  The service function should be adapted to the population structure, consumption level, habits and methods of the township, natural village or administrative village, and should meet the daily needs of residents and facilitate consumption as the goal, and further enhance the life of the elderly, children, and the disabled. Service guarantee is divided into basic service and optional service. See the table below for details.

The newly-built comprehensive service center for rural life should give priority to the allocation of basic service functions, and the comprehensive service center for rural life that has been renovated should gradually improve the basic service functions through various means.

Service Function Combination Table of Rural Life Comprehensive Service Center

Township (town) life comprehensive service center

Basic service

Selective service

Mass catering (breakfast), maintenance, haircut, fresh vegetable store, convenience store

Housekeeping, kindergarten, nursing for the elderly, laundry, collection and handover, repair and sewing, beauty nails, activity room, etc.

Village life

Comprehensive Service Station

Basic service

Selective service

Convenience store, repair, haircut

General catering (breakfast), housekeeping, childcare, nursing care for the elderly, laundry, collection and collection, clothing and sewing, beauty nails, activity rooms, etc.

  Speed ​​up the development of community-brand chain convenience stores.

Support the optimization of the layout of convenience stores, increase the construction and expansion of stores, and promote convenience stores to enter the neighborhood communities.

Convenience stores are encouraged to keep traditional cash payment methods while optimizing smart service methods, and carry service items such as book and newspaper management, withholding and payment, collection and distribution, housekeeping appointments, and home delivery, so as to increase the "temperature" of convenient services.

  Facilitate the daily consumption of the elderly.

Cooperate with relevant departments to supervise retail, catering, shopping malls and other places to retain face-to-face manual services and support cash and bank card payments.

On the other hand, guide the above-mentioned places to provide convenient and easy-to-use smart service methods that meet the characteristics of the elderly, so as to facilitate the consumption of the elderly.