, Jiangxi Yugan, December 23, title: Jiangxi’s frontline experience of poverty alleviation: the song of "ice" and "fire" on the road to poverty alleviation

  Author Wang Haoyang Wang Chengqian

  The mid-winter season is a small harvest day for the Gorgon growers in Yugan County, Jiangxi Province.

Gorgon, known as “water ginseng”, has been harvested, and a large number of fish farmed in ponds are currently being caught and sold.

  Yugan County by the Poyang Lake is a well-known "Hometown of Gorgon". The county planted about 100,000 mu of Gorgon. In the pond where Gorgon was grown, there are a large number of fish such as mandarin fish, carp, grass carp, crucian carp, and larger ones. When sold to the aquatic product market, the small fish are sold to the cold storage and used as feed for breeding rice eel.

  In the Xinsheng species breeding cooperative in Fangjiazhou Village, Luyinggang Township, Yugan County, the cold storage at minus 18 degrees Celsius is full of small fish. Seven or eight people are busy in and out, transporting the freshly delivered fresh fish into the cold storage. Order stacked.

  In the cold storage, the cold is pressing, and the ceiling is covered with snow-white ice cubes and crystal clear icicles. The impoverished household Zhang Zhiqiang is wearing a thick cotton coat and working in full swing.

In the dragon fruit plantation of the Xinsheng Breeding Professional Cooperative in Fangjiazhou Village, Luyinggang Township, Yugan County, poor households are busy weeding.

Wang Cheng proactively

  Hu Jiajie, Secretary of the Party Committee of Luyinggang Township, Yugan County, told reporters that the Xinsheng Breeding Professional Cooperative was initiated by the local wealthy leader Sheng Pingbao. 228 impoverished households in the township invested more than 20 million yuan. There are large-scale cold storage, fish pond breeding, and fruit planting And other poverty alleviation industries.

  The cold storage covers an area of ​​about 2000 square meters and can store 5000 tons of goods.

Sheng Pingbao, head of the Xinsheng Breeding Professional Cooperative, told reporters that all kinds of small fish are now frozen in the cold storage, which will be sold to rice eel farmers from May to October next year, with an annual profit of 1.2 million.

  A few hundred meters away from the cold storage, there is a large greenhouse where dragon fruit is grown. Under the sunlight, the temperature in the greenhouse that has not been completely enclosed has reached ten degrees Celsius.

  "The temperature in the greenhouse is high and the grass grows very fast. Every day, we must arrange for someone to weed it." Sheng Ping Baohe technicians check the growth of the dragon fruit. "The dragon fruit grows fastest when the temperature is 20 degrees Celsius. Ensure that the temperature is not enough in winter. Below 0 degrees Celsius, otherwise it will be damaged by frostbite."

  "The construction of the greenhouse has invested more than 3 million yuan. In early April this year, 80 acres of red heart pitaya were planted. Next summer, the yield can reach 6000 jin." Sheng Pingbao said that he has always used organic fertilizers such as sheep dung to grow pitaya. The taste is very sweet. When the dragon fruit is mature, it attracts tourists to pick it, or it is directly supplied to the supermarket. The net income per mu can reach more than 7,000 yuan.

Sheng Pingbao (left), the person in charge of the Xinsheng Seed Breeding Cooperative, and technicians check the growth of the newly planted dragon fruit.

Wang Cheng proactively

  Not far from the greenhouse, there is a fish pond with an area of ​​about 400 mu.

Yellow catfish (commonly known as Huangyatou) is mainly stocked here.

Sheng Pingbao said, "Fry fry was released in June this year, and it will grow to about half a catty in May next year, and then be sold to the Jiangsu and Zhejiang aquatic products market."

  "The poverty alleviation industry in Fangjiazhou Village is now very well developed." Jiang Fenghua, director of the Agricultural and Rural Committee of the CPPCC of Yugan County and the first secretary of poverty alleviation in Fangjiazhou Village, said that there was no economic industry in the village. People take the lead in establishing cooperatives, which will free up 18 acres of land after the demolition of abandoned villages into cold storage, and then transfer hundreds of acres of land and water for the development of planting and breeding industries.

  "Villagers rent out their fields, and one mu of land can get 800 yuan rent per year. Poor households who join the cooperative can get an annual dividend of more than 2,000 yuan. In addition, poor households who work in the cooperative can receive a monthly salary of 3,000 to 5,000 yuan." Jiang Fenghua said that the cooperative pays nearly 200,000 wages to poor households every year, which effectively drives them out of poverty.

  It is warm like spring in the greenhouse, and more than 20 poor households are busy.

"I mainly help with chores, setting up sheds, fertilizing, weeding, coming at 6 in the morning, going home at 5 in the afternoon, taking care of two meals a day, and the salary is settled on a daily basis, 180 yuan a day." Liu Huolong, a poor householder, said happily. "It doesn't matter if you are tired from work, it's much better than farming before. This day is getting more and more prosperous."

  There are nourishments for the coming year in the cold storage, and warm hope grows in the greenhouse.

In this small village on the banks of Poyang Lake, these people played a song of "ice" and "fire" on the road to poverty alleviation and prosperity with their hard work and sweat.
