
Following the metropolitan local government yesterday (21st), today the government has introduced special quarantine measures ahead of the New Year holidays.

No more than 5 people are allowed to gather privately at all restaurants across the country, and winter sports facilities such as ski resorts and snow sledding are also closed.

At the end of the year, all tourist attractions in the country are closed.

First, reporter Jeong Da-eun summarizes today's government announcements.

<Reporter> The

special quarantine period for the year-end and New Year is from the 24th day before Christmas to the 3rd of January next year, when the New Year holidays are over.

The government urged to cancel private meetings of more than five people during this period.

In particular, meetings in the restaurant were banned at all.

In the case of the metropolitan area, all private gatherings, regardless of location, are subject to prohibition rather than cancellation advice.

If there are 5 or more people, you must cancel a reunion, club, or business dinner, and only 4 people can eat together at the restaurant.

Winter sports facilities such as ski resorts, snow sledding rink, and skating rink, which were open until 9 pm, must be closed, and all tourist attractions in the country such as Jeongdongjin and Ganjeolgot are also closed.

For accommodation facilities such as hotels and resorts, reservations are limited to less than 50% of all rooms, and guests exceeding the number of rooms are not allowed.

If more than half of all rooms have already been booked, or if more than half of the room capacity has been booked, the accommodation must reduce the size of the reservation to less than half and inform guests of the cancellation procedure and refund policy.

If the above quarantine rules are violated, fines will be imposed on operators and users.

[Kwon Jun-wook/President of the National Institute of Health: Please cancel meetings, appointments, and travel plans as year-end and New Year meetings or trips can be a spark of another massive spread of Corona 19...


This measure is applied to both the metropolitan area and the non-metropolitan area at the same time and cannot be mitigated by local governments.

(Video editing: Park Jin-hoon, CG: Jeong Hyun-jung, Lee Yu-jin)