Sino-Singapore Jingwei Client, November 13th (Xiong Jiali) Some people are often injured by accident at work. At this time, work-related injury insurance will play a big role in helping workers get material help.

Recently, four provinces have increased the long-term benefits of work-related injury insurance. Let's find out how much it has increased.

  Work-related injury insurance refers to a form in which the worker or his survivors receive material assistance from the state and society when the worker suffers an accidental injury or suffers from an occupational disease during work or under specified special circumstances, resulting in temporary or permanent incapacity and death. Social insurance system.

  Data map.

Photo by Xiong Siyi, China-Singapore Jingwei

Four provinces raise the standard of long-term work-related injury insurance

  The Sino-Singapore Jingwei client combed and found that four provinces including Guangdong, Qinghai, Tianjin, and Shaanxi adjusted the long-term benefits of work-related injury insurance.

Among them, Guangdong's disability allowance for grades I to 4 has been increased the most, with an additional 445 yuan to 370 yuan per person per month.



  On September 29, 2020, Guangdong issued a notice to adjust the disability allowances for grades one to four.

For those who meet the adjustment conditions of the disability allowances from the first to the fourth level, an additional 445 yuan, 420 yuan, 395 yuan, and 370 yuan per month for disabled employees from the first to fourth levels.

If the disability allowance is still less than 3,776 yuan/month for the first to fourth-level work-related disabled persons adjusted according to the above quota, they will be paid according to the standard of 3776 yuan/month.

For the first to four-level work-related disabled persons who are entitled to the disability allowance from January 1, 2020 (including this day) to December 31, 2020 (including this day), if their approved disability allowance is still less than 3776 yuan/month , Starting from the month of first enjoyment, it will be issued according to the standard of 3776 yuan/month.

  Dependent relatives’ pensions have also been adjusted.

Guangdong stipulates that persons who meet the conditions for adjusting the pensions of dependent relatives will be paid an additional 190 yuan per person per month.

If the worker belongs to the spouse of the worker who died or is a widow or orphan, an additional RMB 250 per person per month; for the spouse of a worker who has died and is an orphan, an additional RMB 310 per person per month.

Those who meet the requirements for the adjustment of dependent relatives’ pensions will still be paid according to the above quota adjustments and their payment standards are still lower than the minimum living security standard for urban residents in their city in 2020 (if the city has multiple minimum living security standards for urban residents, the minimum living security standard for urban residents shall be determined according to the principle of higher ) Will be adjusted to the minimum living allowance for urban residents of the city where it is located from January 2020.

From January 1, 2020 (including this day) to December 31, 2020 (including this day), for the first time to enjoy dependent relatives’ pensions, their dependent relatives’ pensions approved in accordance with the "Work Injury Insurance Regulations" shall be paid less than where they are If the city’s urban residents’ minimum living standard is guaranteed, the amount of the minimum living guarantee standard for urban residents of the city will be adjusted from the month of first enjoyment.


  On September 30, Qinghai issued the "Notice on Adjusting Work Injury Insurance Benefits."

The specific adjustment standards are: the monthly increase of 224 yuan per person for work-injured employees who receive the disability allowance from one to six levels; and the monthly increase of 100 yuan per person for the employees who receive the dependents’ pension for the dead.

After the adjustment, if the actual receipt is lower than 1148 yuan per person per month, it will be adjusted to 1148 yuan per person per month.

  Qinghai pointed out that the scope of adjustment is for employees who receive a disability allowance from level one to six on a monthly basis before December 31, 2019 (inclusive), and those who receive a monthly pension for dependent relatives of employees who die of work.

Work-injured workers who have gone through the retirement procedures and are included in the scope of the basic pension insurance for urban employees and receive pensions will not participate in the adjustment of disability allowance benefits.

The adjusted benefits will be implemented from January 1, 2020.


  Tianjin also stipulated on October 11 that for employees of Grade I to Grade IV who enjoy disability allowance before December 31, 2019, the allowance will be increased per person per month according to the level of disability: 190 yuan for first-level disability, and second-level disability. 180 yuan, 170 yuan for third-degree disability, and 160 yuan for fourth-degree disability.

The subsidy for retired workers is increased by 60 yuan, 50 yuan, 40 yuan, and 30 yuan respectively.

The pension for dependent relatives of workers who died at work will increase by 70 yuan per spouse and 53 yuan per month for other dependent relatives.

  On this basis, Tianjin has set the lower limits of treatment for in-service and retired workers according to the level of disability, namely 3874 yuan for the first level, 3706 yuan for the second level, 3537 yuan for the third level, and 3369 yuan for the fourth level; There is also a minimum limit for the payment of benefits, namely 1,631 yuan for spouses and 1,222 yuan for other dependent relatives.

Starting from October 26, workers with grades 1-4 work-related injuries and dependent relatives of workers who have died can receive adjusted and reissued work-related injury insurance benefits.


  On October 21, Shaanxi also issued a notice to adjust the standard of work-related injury insurance treatment, which will be implemented from January 1, 2020 and completed before November 10.

In terms of disability allowance, the monthly disability allowance for disabled employees in grades 1 to 4 will be increased by 125 yuan, 118 yuan, 111 yuan, and 104 yuan per month respectively. After the increase, the monthly disability allowance for disabled employees in grades 1 to 4 will be increased to 3371.75 yuan for less than 3371.75 yuan. yuan.

Five-level disabled employees will increase by 97 yuan per person per month, and sixth-level disabled employees will increase by 83 yuan per month. After the increase, the monthly disability allowance for fifth to sixth-level disabled employees is less than 2717.5 yuan, increased to 2717.5 yuan.

Shaanxi also stipulated that in the early 1970s, the farmers who returned to their hometowns and received the disability pension on a monthly basis were rotated. If they completely lose the ability to work due to work-related disability, the monthly pension will be adjusted to 2,453 yuan; For those who partially lose the ability to work, the monthly pension is adjusted to 2,207 yuan.

  Regarding the pensions for dependent relatives of workers who died at work, Shaanxi stated that for those who have received pensions for dependent relatives on a monthly basis, an increase of 56 yuan per person per month was adjusted based on the current standard of treatment.

In terms of living care expenses, based on the average monthly salary of employees in the province in 2019, according to the "Work Injury Insurance Regulations", the monthly income is 3,265.04 yuan, and most of the living can not take care of themselves. 1959.02 yuan per month.

In order to ensure the fairness of treatment payment and the coherence of policies, if the original living care expenses are higher than this year's adjusted standard, the high standard will be implemented.

  Data map.

Photo by Xiong Jiali of Sino-Singapore Jingwei

Who can enjoy work injury insurance benefits?

  According to the new version of the "Regulations on Work Injury Insurance" revised by the "Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulations on Work Injury Insurance" on December 20, 2010, the scope of application of work injury insurance includes enterprises, institutions, social groups, and private non-enterprise within the territory of the People's Republic of China Units, foundations, law firms, accounting firms and other organizations and individual industrial and commercial households with employees.

  Employees of enterprises, institutions, social organizations, private non-enterprise units, foundations, law firms, accounting firms and other organizations within the territory of the People’s Republic of China and employees of individual industrial and commercial households are entitled to work injury insurance benefits in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations s right.

How to identify a work injury?

  Since it is work injury insurance, how should work injury be recognized?

The “Work Injury Insurance Regulations” stipulates that an employee shall be deemed as a work-related injury in one of the following situations: during working hours and in the workplace, due to work-related accident injuries; in the workplace before and after working hours, engaged in work-related preparatory or Suffering from accidental injuries during finishing work; during working hours and in the workplace, due to violence and other accidental injuries due to the performance of work duties; suffering from occupational diseases; during the period of going out, being injured due to work or accidents; whereabouts are unknown; on the way to and from work, Traffic accidents or urban rail transit, passenger ferry, or train accidents that are not the main responsibility of the person; other circumstances that should be recognized as work-related injuries according to laws and administrative regulations.

  In addition, employees who have one of the following circumstances are deemed to be work-related injuries: during working hours and at work, they die from sudden illness or die within 48 hours after the rescue is ineffective; they are injured in rescue and disaster relief activities that safeguard national and public interests; The employee originally served in the army and was disabled due to war or on-duty injuries. He has obtained a revolutionary disabled soldier certificate. After arriving at the employer, the old injury recurs.

How to determine the standard of treatment?

  First, we must appraise the labor ability of employees.

According to the "Work Injury Insurance Regulations", if an employee suffers a work-related injury and has a disability after treatment and the injury is relatively stable, which affects his work ability, he shall undergo a work ability appraisal, which refers to the grade appraisal of the degree of labor dysfunction and the degree of self-care obstacles .

Among them, labor dysfunction is divided into ten levels of disability, the heaviest one is level one, and the lightest one is level ten; the self-care disorder is divided into three levels: life is completely unable to take care of oneself, most of life can not take care of oneself, and part of life cannot be taken care of. Take care of yourself.

  Second, enjoy treatment according to different levels of labor dysfunction and self-care disorder.

For example, if an employee is identified as being disabled at the first to fourth level, he shall retain the labor relationship, quit his job, and enjoy the following benefits:

  A lump-sum disability subsidy is paid from the Work Injury Insurance Fund according to the level of disability. The standard is: first-level disability is 27 months' wages, second-level disability is 25 months' wages, and third-level disability is 23 Monthly salary, the fourth-degree disability is 21 months' salary; the disability allowance is paid monthly from the work injury insurance fund, and the standard is: first-degree disability is 90% of my salary, and second-degree disability is my salary 85%, the third-degree disability is 80% of my salary, and the fourth-degree disability is 75% of my salary. If the actual amount of disability allowance is lower than the local minimum wage standard, the work injury insurance fund will make up the difference; the work-injured worker reaches the retirement age After completing the retirement formalities, the disability allowance will be suspended and the basic pension insurance benefits will be enjoyed in accordance with the relevant national regulations.

If the basic pension insurance benefits are lower than the disability allowance, the work injury insurance fund shall make up the difference.

If an employee is identified as first to fourth degree disability due to work-related disability, the employer and individual employees shall pay basic medical insurance premiums based on the disability allowance.

  Workers with work-related injuries who have been assessed for their disability level and confirmed by the Labor Ability Appraisal Committee that they need living care shall be paid monthly from the work-related injury insurance fund.

Living nursing expenses are paid according to the three different levels of self-care obstacles, and the standards are respectively 50%, 40% or 30% of the average monthly salary of employees in the overall planning area in the previous year.

(Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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