
Reporter Kwon Ae-ri's friendly economic time.

Reporter Kwon, there is exactly one week left in the US presidential election. How about if we only consider the economic sector as to which of the two would be advantageous for our country?


Yes, there could be many influences in the economic field as well, but in the economy, the most important thing is the attitude of the US President to trade.

Now that the President is President Trump, considering the trade policy that President Trump's government has maintained over the past four years, it was the trade conflict with China that had the greatest impact on us.

And no matter who becomes the new president of the United States, this trade conflict between the United States and China will continue to some extent.

Still, if you divide it very simply, who is the candidate who is currently under the "don't be that person" test in China, and that's probably President Trump.

The dominant view is that the Trump administration will continue to have a far more intense conflict with China.


So, is it good for us to be a biden candidate in the economic field?



It's really hard to say which one is good or bad in one word, and there are both pros and cons from our standpoint when the US and China are in fierce confrontation.

It is the most accurate story right now that we need to see more about which of the pros and cons will stand out in the long run.

Our economy is closely related to China.

When the value of Chinese money rises, the higher the price, the higher the Korean money.

It's a phenomenon that's happening these days, and when it falls, it falls together.

Whether you like it that much or not, the world is dominated by the view of the Korean economy tied to the Chinese situation.

China has also been the largest customer of a company called Korea over the past decade.

We bought the most products made by this company, and the most Chinese people came to us and spent money.

It is very likely in the future.

But it is also emerging as the biggest competitor.

Looking at the world as a customer, there are more and more times where Korea and China become the same two companies entering into bidding together.

If you look at Huawei, the leading telecommunications company in China, this complicated situation is still melted. Huawei was a company that bought Korean semiconductors worth several trillion won a year.

However, the US has blocked Korean companies from selling semiconductors to Huawei, and exports of a huge scale are blocked.

However, Huawei is also a big competitor to Korean companies in the field of communication equipment and smartphones.

Since President Trump is trying to quit Huawei's communication equipment at all, Samsung Electronics' communication equipment, which was more expensive than Huawei products, was disadvantageous in price competition, has a wider opportunity in the United States and the world.

If the conflict between the United States and China slows the development of Chinese companies, it is also a savings time for us.

And because China is our No. 1 customer, there were many times that made us difficult.

Han-ryeong after the THAAD incident is representative.

In the long run, the situation in which the United States instead of us urges China to impose restrictions on tourism to its people when we don't like it, "Please open up China and follow the existing global trade order." It may work to your advantage.

<Anchor> It

's not the same, but it's like the story that President Trump usually said. So it's advantageous to be President Trump. Can you say this?


However, it is true that if the US-China conflict becomes too intense, it will hurt us too.

I already experienced it last year.

Together with Taiwan, Korea is ranked as one of the countries in the world to see the impact of the trade conflict between the US and China.

Recovery period after the coronavirus At this time, China's economy must be smooth to accelerate recovery, so how much pressure from the U.S. is optimal for China to be under pressure from the United States.

And it cannot be overlooked that President Trump's strong protectionist tendencies will also be expressed towards us.

Also, President Trump's pressure on China and trade protectionism were actually very popular in the United States.

So there are many things that Biden will not do in the United States like President Trump, but when it comes to trade and commerce, there is a tendency to follow President Trump's tone.

At the end of last month, the National Federation of Entrepreneurs analyzed the pledges of Trump and Biden and came to a conclusion, saying that Biden's trade and trade pledges were "to the extent that it makes me think this is Trump's pledge.

So, there is a high possibility that President Trump will not remove the tariffs on exports such as steel and automobiles as President Biden.

Whoever it may be, it can be said that the situation where the United States aims for a more protective trade than we previously knew, and does not know what variables will arise with China, and the situation where we have to go through as if walking a tightrope, is likely to continue as in the last four years. .