<Anchor> As you

just saw, it's very difficult to find a rental house these days, so even a house where you have to pay money to see the property has appeared.

There are also tenants who demand tens of thousands of won as a condition to subtract the charter.

Reporter Han Se-hyun reported this.

<Reporter> This

is an apartment complex in Dongjak-gu, Seoul.

Of the total 545 households, only one is for sale.

Since there is no supply, the price is very high, and existing tenants have no choice but to survive in the house where they lived by requesting renewal of contracts.

[Seoul Dongjak-gu Authorized Broker: No, no.

There is no rent.

Because (tenants) all exercise their right to apply for contract renewal.

Two rooms for sale were one, but it costs 900 million won.

This is a price you can't really imagine, so we have nothing to say.

It's ridiculous, right now.]

There are no charters for sale in this 353-unit Gangnam apartment complex.

[Gilja Lee / Real estate agent in Gangnam-gu, Seoul: These days, I've been talking about'Thirty thousand-ri looking for a jeonse', but there are few (for sale).

You just have to think that there is no, and the amount has increased by 70-80%...


Unprecedented phenomena appear one after another.

Due to problems such as children's education, the rented house cannot be emptied, but some tenants have raised the deposit by only 5%, in case the landlord will live in the house.

[Seoul Seocho-gu Real Estate Agent: I'm trying to live with a deposit of 5% or more.

There is no home and it is not cheap to go out.

I have

to give

it more expensive than my current house.]

Instead of giving up the right to apply for contract renewal and vacating the house, there are cases in which tens of millions of won are required for rent and moving expenses.

[Yongsan-gu, Seoul: Realtor: They asked for the moving fee and agreed to a cycle of 2 million won.

In the state of agreement, the charter price has risen by about 200 million won now.

They asked for 4 years of interest.

40 million won.

(The landlord) Do whatever you want.

They told me to follow the law.] The

landlords of the landlord became tricky.

[Yangcheon-gu, Seoul Real Estate Agent: If the child is too young or has animals (as a tenant), I will not accept it.


damages the

house by scratching it.]

Some people ask for money to see the house in the name of corona prevention.

[Seoul Gangseo-gu Realtor: (Jeonse) Because things are so valuable, if you want to see one, you can do economic and financial things like that, and (hopefully….)]

tricks are also rampant.

In order to send out existing tenants and receive a large increase in rent, they sometimes look for tenants with the same last name, just as an immediate family member who can refuse to apply for contract renewal under the Lease Protection Act moves in.

[Songpa-gu, Seoul: Real estate or something like this, and when looking for a tenant, you can say, "Please save only those who have the same surname" and "Please save only those who have the same surname."

(For example) Because there are so many seeds, (tenants) let them out through such a person...

.] In

such an unprecedented jeonse crisis, more and more cases of jeonse houses with many mortgage loans, which were not popular in the past, are trading right away at the risk of taking off the jeonse.

[Professor Lee Chang-moo/Hanyang University Urban Real Estate Economics Laboratory: The chain of housing movement and transactions in the market continues to be blocked.

If I don't go, other people can't go to the market.


Landlords, existing tenants, and those seeking new charters have all become distrustful and bitter.

At the same time, even if the purpose of the new system is correct, they are asking if there have been enough concerns and countermeasures for side effects.

(Video coverage: Kang Dong-cheol, video editing: Kim Jong-tae, VJ: Jeong Min-gu)  

▶'Tess hyung' followed by Hong Nam-do summons…

"Chonse I, it takes time"