A Pôle emploi agency in Nice (illustration).



After the National Assembly which adopted it unanimously, it is the turn of the Senate to validate the bill aimed at combating long-term unemployment.

The Luxembourg Palace thus adopted on Tuesday the proposed law increasing the “zero long-term unemployed” experiment from 10 to 60 territories.

The text was voted with the votes of the LR, centrist, RDPI (ex LREM), RDSE with a radical majority and Independent groups.

Although supporting the experiment, the left voted against it.

The PS regretted not having obtained "all the desired guarantees", while the Communist-majority CRCE and the ecologists deplored a bill "far removed from the original spirit" of the experiment.

Deputies and senators will now try to agree on a common text.

I am delighted that the Senate adopted the #TZCLD bill to strengthen the professional integration of our fellow citizens.

In this period of uncertainties and increased difficulties for the most precarious, it is in the interest of all and of all territories.


- Elisabeth BORNE (@Elisabeth_Borne) October 13, 2020

The Minister of Labor Elisabeth Borne defended "a text necessary in this period of uncertainty and increased difficulties for the most precarious", wishing to see it "succeed as soon as possible".

The idea of ​​the "TZCLD" is to mobilize the sums intended for unemployment compensation to finance employment-oriented companies (EBE) which recruit long-term unemployed on permanent contracts, paid at the minimum wage for socially useful activities and not competing with existing jobs.

No change in duration

The proposed law aims to extend to 50 new territories, for 5 years, an experiment launched in early 2017 and carried out today in ten “territories” of 5,000 to 10,000 inhabitants.

They host 13 EBEs employing more than 800 employees in market gardening, logging, metal recycling or bicycle repair.

The Senate did not touch on the duration or the field of experimentation.

The senators, on the other hand, opposed compulsory financing by the departments.

This change, criticized on the left, is the main sticking point with the government.

"No experimental project will be carried out against the will of the departments, but the mobilization of a department must logically result in its contribution to the financing of the experiment", affirmed the Minister of Labor.

The State contributes to the financing of the experiment, to the tune of 18,000 euros per year, per job, while the share of the departments is of the order of 1,500 euros.

Creation of a "CDI inclusion"

The bill also includes other measures to simplify integration through economic activity (IAE), such as the abolition of compulsory authorization from Pôle emploi.

It creates a "CDI inclusion" for people over 57 in difficulty, or sets up the experimentation of a "bridge contract", in order to facilitate the recruitment in traditional companies of people at the end of the integration process. .

The senators have also created, with the support of the government, a “cumulative time” system, aimed at allowing the combination of an integration contract with another part-time employment contract.


Unemployment rate is expected to climb to 9.7% at the end of 2020, 1.6 points higher than last year


According to Medef, 1,600 long-term partial activity agreements have been signed

  • Senate

  • Elisabeth Borne

  • Employment

  • Economy

  • Unemployment