Invited from Europe Soir, the Secretary of State for Tourism, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, invites the French to favor destinations in France for their next vacation, as they did this summer.

He also wanted to reassure the fact that the French will be able to travel during All Saints' Day, despite rumors of new restrictive measures, including a possible limitation of travel.


Emmanuel Macron's speech announced on Wednesday evening raises fears of new health restriction measures, while the monitoring indicators for the Covid-19 epidemic continue to deteriorate in several regions.

Tuesday, Toulouse and Montpellier will thus pass into the maximum alert zone, the last threshold before the state of health emergency.

Guest of Europe Evening, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, the Secretary of State for Tourism, nevertheless wanted to be reassuring, inviting the French to take their reservations for the All Saints holidays despite this context.

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"As I speak to you, there is no restriction in movement", wants to remind Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne.

Does this mean that no travel restrictions will be announced by the executive, as was the case after confinement?

"I am not going to tell you on Monday what the President of the Republic is going to tell you on Wednesday", boot in touch the Secretary of State.

Before adding, however: "Is it more dangerous to move to a country house or a hotel a hundred kilometers away, or to stay at home without applying a certain number of elementary precautions?"

Blue-white-red holidays

Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne also wishes to recall the commitments made by professionals in the sector, in the face of possible travel cancellations caused by a sudden deterioration in the health situation.

"The major social partners, the Union des Métiers et des Industries de l'Hôtellerie, the National Group of Independent Hotel Industry, travel companies have said that the French could cancel. This allows you to book with a state of spirit more serene. This means that if there is a glitch linked to the epidemic, there will be no restraint, "said Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne.

And to make the champion of the holidays

made in France

which allowed many professionals, during the summer period, to minimize the losses related to confinement.

"I called all summer for us to visit France, to rediscover France. This call still stands!" Insists the Secretary of State for Tourism.

"We had a blue-white-red summer, I also hope that we will have a blue-white-red autumn and winter. The French mountains have a lot of assets!", He argues in particular.