Voluntary recall of more than 140,000 Calbee "Jagarico" Resin parts mixed in? October 2, 19:34

Calbee announced that it will voluntarily collect more than 140,000 pieces manufactured at a factory in Gifu prefecture, saying that resin parts may have been mixed in part of the production line for the snack "Jagarico".

Voluntarily collect Jagarico salad bits with the expiration date of December 24th and 25th, and the unique symbol of the factory is "G", and the expiration date will be manufactured from December 26th to January 3rd next year. There are 144,000 Jagarico salad bits4 with a unique symbol of "G" and Jagarico salad bits4 with a unique symbol of "E" from December 25th to January 1st next year.

We received multiple inquiries from customers who purchased the product, saying that it contained white resin pieces, and Calbee decided to collect it because it was suspected that resin parts had been mixed in part of the production line.

All of the products were produced at a factory in Kakamigahara City, Gifu Prefecture, and the conveyor parts have already been replaced.

Calbee has not received any reports of health hazards so far, but Calbee says, "We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. We will do our best to prevent recurrence."

Inquiries are accepted at 0120-55-8570 from 10 am to 4 pm on weekdays and from 8:30 am to 8 pm on the 3rd and 4th.