Employees recognized as a contact case and unable to telework will be able to benefit from a work stoppage without a waiting day, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran announced on Thursday.

To do this, an isolation prescription will be available online and must be sent to the employer as proof.

The Minister of Health Olivier Véran made an announcement, Thursday, for the attention of employees recognized as contact cases and who are unable to use telework.

As of Saturday, these employees, forced into isolation, will be able to benefit from a derogatory work stoppage prescription.

Consequence: compensation by Health Insurance will start immediately, with no waiting day.

An isolation prescription to be obtained online

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To be entitled, no need to make an appointment with your doctor.

You just have to go to the declare.ameli.fr site to obtain an isolation prescription.

This must then be sent to the employer as proof.

Health Insurance will check the veracity of the contact case


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This prescription will determine the dates of the work stoppage and will guarantee the absence of a waiting day.

Health Insurance will simply check that the beneficiary has been identified as a risky contact case.