Under 5G, AI artificial intelligence, big data, VR/AR and other technical elements are combined, and the industrial, medical and even entertainment fields have undergone tremendous changes, and smart cities are about to emerge.

After 40 years of reform and opening up, the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has once again stood at the forefront of the times-the construction of a new smart city to promote the development of the digital economy. The Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has joined hands with Huawei to achieve digital prosperity through 5 new technologies and become a model in the national digital wave. city.


  ICT ecosystem, trillion dollar market

  In recent years, the revenue and benefits of the software industry have grown rapidly. In the process of continuous industrial upgrading and structural optimization, new growth points have continued to emerge, becoming an important driving force for the development of the digital economy and the evolution of a smart society.

  Different from the traditional infrastructure construction, the "new infrastructure" including the industrial Internet has broken through the model represented by the "iron public foundation" and real estate, through the connection (5G), cloud, computing, AI and industry application of these 5 technologies. Integration and coordination to build smart cities and develop digital economy.

  Now, new technologies and new production factors have been integrated with each other, and there have been successful cases in many fields such as industry, entertainment, and medical treatment.

  As China's leading technology company, Huawei analyzes: ICT (i.e., Information, Communication, and Technology) will have an epoch-making effect just like the power of the 20th century has drastically changed the productivity of various industries.

Nowadays, connection (5G) + computing + cloud + AI + industry applications, the impact of the integration of new technologies on the current society, compared with the influence of power in the 20th century, will expand exponentially, and accelerate a new round of growth.

  In this process, applications and software are the real value.

Judging from the history of Internet development, application developers have the fastest revenue growth and the most profitable.

According to statistics, as of the first half of 2020, the number of Huawei's global corporate business partners has exceeded 29,000, including more than 22,000 sales partners, more than 1,400 solution partners, more than 4,800 service partners, more than 1,200 talent alliances, and investment and financing operations. More than 80 partners.

  Among them, Huawei and Shenzhen are working together to create a prosperous new ecology in the smart era, and form demonstration benefits to drive the creation of smart cities across the country.


  Science and technology capital, why can Shenzhen stay ahead?

  As China's technology capital and innovation city, Shenzhen has grown from a regional GDP of less than 200 million yuan to more than 2.6 trillion yuan, and its economic development has continuously broken the "growth limit". Behind this lies an inexhaustible driving force for innovation.

  Since entering the "trillion yuan city club" in 2011, Shenzhen has continuously doubled its economic aggregate and maintained a steady and progressive growth rate.

Among them, the high-tech industry and GDP, which are the largest pillar industries, have maintained simultaneous growth, reaching 2,627.798 billion yuan in 2019.

In the city promotional video "I'm Waiting for You in Shenzhen" launched by the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Huawei Chairman and Founder Ren Zhengfei commented on Shenzhen like this: "Shenzhen has a very good environment for innovation, and the rule of law and market environment will be better than other places. ."

  Why is Shenzhen?

Why has Shenzhen become a national model for smart cities?

How can Shenzhen's enterprises embrace the digital economy?

Take Janus Software, a leading domestic aPaaS industrial cloud solution provider for smart manufacturing, as an example. This Shenzhen-based enterprise is a strategic partner of Huawei's Industrial Internet.

Based on Huawei Cloud's highly empowered lightweight R&D solutions and technical expert support, Janus develops intelligent manufacturing software such as MES, and provides services through innovative models such as SaaS.

  At present, more than 90% of industrial enterprises in China have not achieved digital transformation, and there is huge room for the development of intelligent manufacturing software such as MES and SCM.

At this time, through the cooperation with Huawei, Janus's business scope has changed from being limited to the mold industry to now facing 26 industries. While expanding the boundaries, the performance of Janus's cooperation with Huawei Cloud has gradually increased from ten million. Enter the scale of 100 million.

  Not only does it have a huge advancing and leading role for enterprises and even industries, Huawei Cloud's empowerment to build smart cities is also reflected in various aspects such as benefiting the people and good governance.

Nowadays, the intelligence of Shenzhen has penetrated into the life details of every ordinary person, whether it is transportation or residential electricity, the smart city construction played by Huawei Cloud is improving the scheduling efficiency of Shenzhen from the airport to the subway. Provide convenience and add vitality to the economy.

Especially after the epidemic, the construction of smart cities has pressed the fast forward button for Shenzhen's digital economy.

  According to IDC forecasts, with the mature commercial use of new technologies such as 5G, cloud computing, AI, and blockchain, the output value of the digital economy will account for 62% of global GDP by 2023.

The growth of each industry will be driven by the continuous enhancement of products, operations and relationships through digitization, and industry digitization is entering a period of rapid development.

  At this time, standing at the entrance of the intelligent era, Huawei is gradually becoming the soil and energy of the ICT ecosystem of the digital society and intelligent society. By continuously forming alliances with Shenzhen-like sensible heroes, we will jointly create "ubiquitous connections + Digital platform + omnipresent intelligence "new world."
