• Banking: The new merged bank will be able to pay for its adjustment by absorbing Bankia at a low price

The conditions of a possible employment adjustment after the merger between CaixaBank and Bankia could be

less attractive for the workforce

than in previous procedures if they come up against the Government's plans to

discourage early retirement,

in line with what the Minister of Inclusion proposed, Social Security and Migrations, José Luis Escrivá in the Toledo Pact Commission.

Bankia and CaixaBank are negotiating a possible merger operation to increase their profitability in the current context of the coronavirus crisis and negative interest rates.

Different analysis firms have agreed that the operation makes strategic sense and will allow both entities to save costs, assuming that it will involve a major adjustment of offices that will foreseeably affect employment.

Union sources consulted by Europa Press advocate prudence when calculating the possible workforce surplus, as both entities are still immersed in the

due diligence


, which will allow them to have all the data to decide whether to proceed with the merger -which is the most predictable- and in what terms, and also foresee that a merger of this size will take

"two or three years" to digest


The workers 'representatives have not yet met with the management of CaixaBank or Bankia, and neither do they expect to do so until the transaction is approved, first by the boards of directors and then by the extraordinary shareholders' meetings, which taking into account the deadlines Legal will not meet, at least, until mid-October.

From the unions they assure that they will turn to preserve employment and that they will

request non-traumatic measures

for the workforce of both banks.

In fact, they are committed to taking advantage of the operation to provide more staff to the offices that are maintained to improve customer service.

The latest Employment Regulation Files (ERE) of the Spanish banking sector recorded more requests for membership by employees than the departures that had been agreed.

In the specific case of

CaixaBank, requests exceeded by 33% the more than 2,000 withdrawals foreseen

, which would lead to think that a new adjustment would also be welcomed by the workforce.

However, union sources warn that everything will depend on the conditions of a new adjustment being similar, with good exit conditions and early retirement.

In this sense, the templates could run into the Government's plans to discourage early retirement, as proposed by Minister

José Luis Escrivá

during his appearance before the Commission for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Toledo Pact Agreements in the Congress of Deputies.

Escrivá urged to

extend the effective retirement age

, which currently stands at 64.6 years, with decisions aimed at removing incentives for early retirement or to subsidize the voluntary delay in retirement.

"If the Government toughens the rules for early retirement, it will be more difficult to apply a voluntary ERE," a union representative told Europa Press.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Congress of Deputies

  • Jose Luis Escrivá

  • Social Security

  • economy

BancaGoirigolzarri at the helm and 51,000 employees.

This will be the largest bank in Spain after the merger of CaixaBank and Bankia

The new merged bank will be able to pay for its adjustment by absorbing Bankia at a low price

Councilor CaixbankAmparo Moraleda: "It is foreseeable that there will be more movements in the bank"

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