The plan to undo the labor reform, launched during the PP stage, appears and disappears in the course of the legislature of this coalition government between PSOE and Podemos.

When the negotiation for the extension of the ERTE is going through its key days and the new teleworking law faces its new law, the Executive begins its modification of the labor reform currently in force.

The current rule has been positively valued by national, European and international organizations, such as the Bank of Spain, the European Commission or the IMF, all this before the impact of the coronavirus on the labor market, but the Government insists that, if not it must be repealed, at least some aspects that have come to be described as "harmful", "pernicious" or "lethal" should be altered.

As El País has advanced and EL MUNDO has confirmed, the Executive prepares a document for approval by the Council of Ministers with a legislative agenda to alter labor legislation.

The Government mainly intends to guarantee

the ultra-activity of the



, which would extend their validity if they expire and would prevail over the agreements of each company until the constitution of a new one;

Along these lines, we also want to limit the possibilities for a subcontracted company to have a different agreement than the main company if both carry out similar activities.

In this sense, the representatives of the workers have been insisting in recent months, CCOO and UGT.

in the different meetings of the social agents, that is, with the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy and with the CEOE and Cepyme employers' associations.

The PSOE has maintained a more or less drastic stance on the matter, while for Podemos the



reform has been among the priorities for the legislature at all times.

The Government reached an agreement with EH BIldu to repeal the norm "in its entirety"

, a pact that was quickly cut short, annulled and denied, for example by the economic vice president Nadia Calviño, who in that month of May was exploring European aid for Spain due to the coronavirus crisis.

The Government rectified this drastic pact overnight in a note, in the face of the uproar raised in the political and economic sphere: it was inclined not to completely repeal the rule promoted by Fátima Báñez, although it did promise to end "the possibility of dismissal by absenteeism caused by sick leave ", a point that has already been modified" and also proposed to revoke "the limitations on the temporal scope of the collective agreement, making it go beyond the provisions contained therein, after the end of its validity and until the negotiation of a new one and the priority of application of company agreements over sectorial agreements ", the factor that now takes on special prominence.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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