At the microphone of Europe 1, Benoît Serre, vice-president of the National Association of HRDs, returned to the publication of the health protocol.

He believes that the new conditions for wearing a mask, which depend on the epidemiological color of the department, are not healthy for the operation of companies. 


Finally !

The latest version of the corporate health protocol, applicable from September 1, 2020, was posted on the website of the Ministry of Labor on Monday evening.

While companies had to put in place new measures in just a few hours, something new has appeared: the conditions for wearing a mask depend on the epidemiological color of the department.

A device that provokes the anger of Benoît Serre, vice-president of the National Association of HRDs.

"There is a kind of permanent adaptation!"

he denounces on Europe 1, explaining that companies do not yet know how quickly the cards will be updated. 

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Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Tuesday September 1

"At some point, we will have to stabilize the operation of the company"

"The green, orange and red areas will not go without posing difficulties since the levels of sanitary protocol change with the color", warns Benoît Serre.

"When you go from green to orange then to red, then that means that you still have to change the way your business operates: you have to inform your employees if they can come or not, change your entry and exit conditions , access to the canteen, elevator ", explains the vice-president of ANDRH. 

“At some point, we will have to stabilize the operation of the company,” said Benoît Serre.

"When you are on a company that has several sites, on several different colors, you cannot develop a uniform policy within your own company", he regrets.

Because, today, "it sometimes takes several health protocols for all the employees who have a vocation to work together even if they are in different departments."  

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"The sum of all this makes things extremely complicated for businesses on a daily basis at a theoretical time of recovery", concludes Benoît Serre.