An employment center agency during containment - Sebastien SALOM-GOMIS

  • To deal with the social crisis, Pôle emploi will recruit additional staff. Between 3,000 and 5,000 people could be hired on fixed-term contracts from September.
  • The public operator is preparing for the arrival of new job seekers, made redundant by their company or unable to find work in the current context linked to the coronavirus.
  • An increase in the number of employees required for the Pôle Emploi unions, which are attentive to the workload of staff.

The return to school promises to be difficult for Pôle emploi. Faced with the economic downturn, the public operator is preparing for its own wave, that of job seekers. In July 2020, in metropolitan France, there were more than 5.8 million registered, required to look for a job. A record: since the end of February, there have been around 420,000 more job seekers. Pôle emploi therefore wants to strengthen its advisers. The number of hires is not yet known, but there are already several thousand recruitments on fixed-term contracts, in 2020 and 2021.

For the moment, even if the pandemic has already caused significant economic damage, the Pôle Emploi agencies are not yet over-revving. "There has been no significant increase in new registrations", estimates the management of Pôle Emploi with  20 Minutes . Since the health crisis, job seekers have largely switched from one category to another, depending on whether they have not worked at all (category A) or a few hours (categories B and C). Hence the yo-yo evolutions that we have seen in recent months, depending on the category observed.

Likely wave of new registrations

But with the arrival of employees who have been made redundant from their companies, whose fixed-term contracts have not been renewed, but also and especially with the arrival of young people or workers who can no longer find work, Pôle emploi is now expects an influx of new registrations this fall. Because the crisis is indeed here: after nearly 500,000 net job losses in the first quarter, nearly 120,000 others were lost in the second quarter, according to INSEE.

Locally, some agencies have already started to strengthen, told 20 Minutes the central CFDT union delegate from Pôle Emploi, David Vallaperta. There is already an emergency, according to the trade unionist. “The September recruitments should not be too staggered in time, so that we can train new recruits and mentor them,” which can take “two to three months” he explains.

Increase in training

“The workload is expected to explode. We are preparing for a shock from September, on return from vacation, ”explains Michel Breuvart, from the FSU union to Pôle Emploi. He therefore considers the planned reinforcements rather up to par, even if he regrets that it is only CDD. Because with the rise in unemployment, it will be necessary to support new registrants, take stock of their needs, and direct them to training. Since the beginning of the summer, the Dares (the statistical institute of the Ministry of Labor) has recorded almost every week 40% more registrations in training compared to last year.

While Pôle emploi has developed business services in recent years, to help them alleviate their staff shortages, in such a context, “the service offer will have to refocus on guidance assistance, training, and support for professional mobility, ”says David Vallaperta.

A situation of understaffing, according to the unions

The reinforcement of new recruits is all the more crucial given that "we have a long-lasting and crucial need for recruitments which does not date from today. There are no arms to welcome job seekers, to answer their questions, ”continues Sylvie Szeferowicz, Force Ouvrière central union representative. In chorus, the unions denounce a situation of understaffing, which results in an excessive number of job seekers followed by counselor, despite the development of online services. “The advisers' portfolios have never diminished,” says Michel Breuvart.

This observation of a certain pressure, the Court of Auditors also established, in a report published last July. It notes that the increase in the workforce within Pôle emploi, of 5.3% between 2012 and 2018, "is out of step with that of the public compensated and supported", which increased by 19% on the same period. Enough to cast doubt on the wise men of rue Cambon on the ability of Pôle Emploi to support job seekers as much as necessary, especially those in greatest difficulty who are followed within the framework of “reinforced support”. An analysis that Pôle emploi disputes, highlighting its efforts on this subject since 2014.


Coronavirus: The drop in unemployment in the 2nd quarter was caused by confinement according to INSEE


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  • Coronavirus
  • Economic crisis
  • Employment center
  • Unemployment
  • Economy