In the afternoon of late August, in the vineyard of Chang Yanfu, secretary of Waxi Village, Shanghe County, Jinan City, Shandong Province, clusters of plump-shaped grapes exuded the aroma among the thick green leaves and thick branches of the grape racks. Chang Yanfu picked a bunch of them and handed them to the reporter of Science and Technology Daily.

  Take one, and the sweet, juicy taste spreads quickly in your mouth. Chang Yanfu said: "The price of our grapes is more than 5 times that of ordinary grapes, so we can earn an extra 5,000 yuan per mu." Chang Yanfu's grapes are selling well, and "Luli" apples are not too much.

  240 kilometers away from Shanghe, in the "Luli" production demonstration base of Yunmeng Lake in Mengyin County, Linyi City, more than 100 acres of "Luli" apples on the experimental field were sold again-10-15 yuan per catty This kind of apples are sold out in Guangdong, Shanghai and other places.

  Whether it is Vathy grapes or "Luli" apples, agricultural scientists play an important role in the entire chain from planting to harvest. In August last year, the new "Luli" variety set the highest record of transfer fees for new apple varieties in China with an amount of 10 million yuan, and it immediately became popular in the market, thanks to the continuous technological dividend; Chang Yanfu has more income per mu Behind the 5000 yuan, it is the result of the scientific researchers "planting" many new technologies into the grape fields.

  The transformation of scientific and technological achievements is a difficult problem, but good results that are grounded are not worried about selling. Difficulty and not difficult, reflecting the deep-seated problem: the transformation of scientific and technological achievements is not a "one-shot deal." When scientists and entrepreneurs reach an agreement, the change of ownership does not mean the end of research and development, but just the beginning.

  To build a "successful general" in the best-selling market often requires long-term collaboration between scientific researchers and producers.

  Hold up the "big umbrella" for Vathy grapes

  Chang Yanfu's vineyard is a unique garden: the grape trusses are covered with a thin film similar to the vegetable arches, but these arches are not sheltered, and seem to hold up an umbrella for the grape trusses. Li Bo, the chief expert of the fruit tree brand team of the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Project of the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the deputy director of the Shandong Fruit Research Institute, explained to the reporter the scientific principles of the grape rack "under the umbrella".

  He told reporters that most diseases of grapes are spread through rain. This "umbrella" is called a rain shelter. With it, the branches and leaves of grapes are insulated from rain, and pests and diseases are also isolated. But this is not its only benefit.

  Li Bo said that with this "big umbrella", hail can't hit, and the spring cold can't be attacked; it can preserve flowers and fruits, and there will be fewer cracked fruits; the colors of the fruits are better, and the branches are not growing...

  Chang Yanfu's vineyard is Li Bo's experimental field. The new technology of Li Bo's colleague and researcher Li Linguang, deputy director of the Shandong Institute of Fruit Research, is "flowering everywhere" at the "Luli" demonstration base of Dongying Aofu (Guangrao) Apple Co., Ltd.

  After a blockbuster transfer transaction, "Lu Li" now has a new owner, but this does not prevent Li Linguang from continuing to play the role of the hero behind the promotion of "Lu Li".

  Last year, when the new owner and founder of Weihai Aofu Seedling Breeding Co., Ltd. Li Yuan planted a new variety of "Luli" on 1,400 acres of land in Guangrao County, Dongying City, he came here every other way to solve the problem and became Li Linguang’s team. Established action". The reporter saw that in Guangrao, tens of thousands of neatly arranged apple trees are very spectacular, with the same spacing between rows. Each fruit tree has disaster prevention and mitigation facilities, and there are integrated water and fertilizer management facilities under the trees. Due to the sufficient spacing between trees, the base also realized mechanized weeding and pesticide application.

  This is also one of the most modernized orchards in China.

  For a long time, Waxi Village has been famous for planting wax gourds; as a senior entrepreneur in the seedling industry, Li Yuan’s strengths were not in the apple field at the beginning. From winter melons to grapes, Waxi Village needs to diversify and move from other seedlings to "Luli" new products. Both Chang Yanfu and Li Yuan need "technical partners". After searching, Li Bo and Li Linguang became entrepreneurs. The choice of the readers.

  Achievement transformation, not so much to look at the results, it is better to pay more attention to the developers. Agriculture is a long-term investment. After the lively transformation and transactions, it has become a common challenge for scientists and entrepreneurs to give long-term market vitality to the results.

  "Foolish" and "Unmanned" have become standard

  During the Apple launch season, Zheng Buwen, who was in his 60s, and his wife went to the Yunmeng Lake "Luli" production demonstration base to take part-time jobs. The work was not heavy, and his daily income of 70 yuan made him satisfied. But for Li Yuan, nowadays is far from a time to sit back and relax. He often asks himself: When the farmers working in the base gradually age, where are the future orchard workers?

  Taking over "Lu Li" can relieve some of Li Yuan's worries.

  The current Chinese apple industry is at a crossroads: on the one hand, small farmers have been unable to keep up with the situation, modernization, mechanization, and large-scale planting are the future; on the other hand, foreign fruit varieties impact the status of apples as the number one fruit in China. , Choosing reliable apple varieties is the top priority.

  At the same time, in the face of high labor costs, good varieties are easy to harvest, and de-manualization has become a trend in the fruit industry. Li Yuan calculated an account for the reporter: In the past, apple bagging, weeding, and drug spraying all required labor; now, new varieties can be evenly colored without bagging cultivation, and the fruit surface is gorgeous. This will save about 1,500 yuan per mu per year in manual bagging, unpacking, and material costs. Compared with the late-maturing "Fuji", the number of times of spraying and fertilizing the new varieties for disease resistance is 6-7 less, which can save about 1,000 yuan per mu per year.

  Compared with Li Yuan's "unmanned" desire, Chang Yanfu is more concerned about the "foolization" of technology.

  Eat it in one bite, and the sweet and sweet grapes are endless aftertaste. Li Bo told reporters that the sweetness of grapes is related to the "weight loss technique" he applied.

  Traditional grapes are planted with light weight, and the yield per mu of grapes reaches 6000 jin, even more than 10000 jin. However, high yield does not mean high efficiency, poor fruit quality and low commodity rate are disadvantages.

  Through years of experiments, Li Bo’s team has determined the best economic yields for the "Xiahei", "Giant Rose", "Sunshine Rose", "Black Crisp Seedless" and other varieties cultivated in the base. The average yield per mu of high-grade fruits is limited to about 3000 jin. At the same time, the use of standardized flower and fruit management technology, timely removal of excess young fruits, and shaping of the ears, the grape ears produced in this way are not large, but beautiful in appearance, uniform coloring, strong aroma, and the sugar content is generally 18-20 degrees.

  The theory is very complicated and the operation is very simple. How can Chang Yanfu and the folks not love this kind of technology?

  Selling well is the highest standard for testing results

  A sudden new crown pneumonia epidemic disrupted the plans of many fruit industry practitioners, including Yao Erhu.

  There are more than a dozen apple varieties in the thousands of acres of base that the director of the planting department of the Liaocheng Yangguping Anye Fruit Agricultural Science Company is responsible for. He told reporters that affected by the epidemic, fruit consumption has fallen this year and market prices have been low. Especially Apple has a large inventory.

  "We have three criteria for judging a good variety." Yao Erhu said, "First, look at the market recognition; second, look at the difficulty of training the variety; third, look at the local adaptability." Because the market is early, it avoids other Competitors, at the same time, no bagging, low labor costs, "Lu Li" entered the orchard, from 2017 to harvest from 2018, so far, the high profits brought by the new varieties to his satisfaction.

  Yao Erhu concluded: "Good sales and high income are the highest standards for testing agricultural results."

  In agriculture, good varieties, good technology and good management are indispensable. This is not only the consensus of Yao Erhu, Li Yuan, and Chang Yanfu, but also a challenge.

  What Li Yuan is doing is studying how to integrate the new varieties with large-scale and modern planting of European and American apples, and build it into a large-scale, landable, replicable, and sustainable planting model, and farmers can copy it. The in-depth cooperation with Li Linguang's team made him feel like a fish in water.

  In just five years, more than 200 acres of grapes were planted in Waxi Village, which did not produce grapes, and Waxi grapes have become a popular item on the market. At the same time, the rain-proof cultivation technology of grapes has been included in the main promotion technology of Shandong Province. Promote the provincial grape producing area.

  Yao Erhu said that the results of the experts have landed, and another technology transformation cooperation will begin. There are still many technical problems in making scientific and technological achievements into best-selling products. Producers need scientific research workers as entrepreneurial partners.

  Our reporter Wang Yanbin